Dental Books - Gems and Classics

[Dental scrapbook]
Rare Book Room
American journal of dental science.
Madison, Wis., William Gird Beecroft 1839
copy 1, v.1-10(July 1839-July 1850); new ser. v.1(Oct. 1850-July 1851)
Rare Book Room
American journal of dental science.
Madison, Wis., William Gird Beecroft 1839
copy 2, v.1-10(July 1839-July 1850); new ser. v.1-10(Oct.1850-Oct.1860); third ser. v.1-3(May 1867-April 1870)
Offsite periodicals
American journal of dental science.
Madison, Wis., William Gird Beecroft 1839
copy 3, v.1(July 1839)
Rare Book Room
The Dental times.
Baltimore : J W Woods Printer 1851-1852.
Rare Book Room
Discovery by the late Dr. Horace Wells of the applicability of nitrous oxyd gas, sulphuric ether and other vapors in surgical operations, nearly two years before the patented discovery of Drs. Charles T. Jackson and W. T. G. Morton.
Hartford, Case Tiffany 1850.
Rare Book Room
Discovery of anesthesia by Dr. Horace Wells. Memorial services at the fiftieth anniversary.
Philadelphia : Patterson & White Company 1900.
Rare Book Room
Dr. Hitchcock's teeth almanac, for the year 1843.
[Boston: : Saxton Peirce & Co 1842?]
Rare Book Room
Dr. Hitchcock's teeth almanac, for the year 1844.
Boston : Saxton Peirce & Co [1843?]
Rare Book Room
Dr. Wells, the discoverer of anaesthesia.
Hartford : Case Lockwood & Brainard printers 1870.
Rare Book Room
Dr. Wells, the discoverer of anaesthesia.
New York : JA Gray printer and stereotyper 1860.
Rare Book Room
Dr. Wells, the discoverer of anaesthesia.
New York, Rober Larter 1864.
Rare Book Room
Economy of the teeth, gums, and interior of the mouth; including the medical, mechanical, and moral treatment of the most frequent diseases and accidents incidental to the structure and functions of those delicate parts: with the means of correcting and purifying a tainted or unpleasant breath, or other personal or atmospherical effluvia arising from local or constitutional causes or injuries, by [An old army surgeon].
2d ed.
London, Wilson 1831.
Rare Book Room
The ex-tooth : a remonstrance.
[s.l. : sn 1852.
Rare Book Room
Der homöopathische Zahnarzt, oder, Anweisung die Zähne zu erhalten und zu verschönern, so wie auch alle Krankheiten der Zähne und des Zahnfleisches durch homöopathische Mittel leicht, schnell und gründlich zu heilen.
Nordhausen : E F Furst 1838.
Rare Book Room
Letters to the ladies on the preservation of health and beauty / by a Physician.
London : Printed for Robinson and Roberts 1770.
Rare Book Room
Papyros Ebers, das hermetische Buch über die Arzeneimittel der alten Ägypter in hieratischer Schrift. Hrsg., mit Inhaltsangabe und Einleitung versehen von Georg Ebers. Mit hieroglyphisch-lateinischem Glossar von Ludwig Stern.
Leipzig, Engelmann 1875.
Rare Book Room
Transactions of the Odontographic Society of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia : JB Lippincott 1864-1869?.
v. 1-3 (1864-1866)
Rare Book Room
Trial and conviction of Dr. Stephen T. Beale; with the letters of Chief Justice Lewis, and Judges Black and Woodward, on his case. Interesting ether cases, and letters of Prof. Gibson ... & c.
Philadelphia, Collins 1855.
Rare Book Room
Der vollkommene Zahnarzt ober die Lehre von Leben, den Krankheiten und den mechanischen Hülfsmitteln zum Ersatz der Zähne / nach dem Französischen des Maury, dem Englischen von Thomas Bell und mit Zusätzen nach Linderer ; herausgegeben von einem praktischen Zahnarzte.
Leipzig : Voβ 1835.
Rare Book Room
Zene Artzney : wider allerley Gebrechen vnd Kranckheyt der Zene viel heylsamer vnd bewerter Artzneyen, gezogen auss den Büchern, Galeni, Auicenne, Mesne, Cornelij Ceisi, Plinij & c : zusampt einem kurtzen vnd nützlichen Vnderricht, wie man gesunde Zene erhalten, vnnd die bösen holen Zene odder der selbigen Wurzeln leichtlich on Schaden vn[d] Schmertzen auss zihen soll : für eynen yeden gebrechen, sein Artzney zu finden, zeyget an der Inhalt folgenden Registers.
[Place of publication not identified : No publisher 18--?]
Rare Book Room
22 Abbott, Frank.
Dental pathology and practice.
Philadelphia, SS White Dental Manufacturing Co 1896.
Rare Book Room
23 Académie impériale de médecine (France)
Analyse pratique du rapport de l'Académie impériale de médecine sur les dents et dentiers en pate minérale de M. Didier : application de ce systême aux dentiers a base de Gutta-Percha et de Caoutchouc vulcanisé suive de conseils aux Mères de Famille pour diriger la dentition des enfants et conserver leurs dents toute la vie publié par M. Page élève et successeur de M. Didier, médecin dentiste.
Paris [France] : Auteur 1865.
Rare Book Room
24 Albrecht, Eduard, b. 1823.
Die Krankheiten an der Wurzelhaut der Zähne.
Berlin, H Peters 1860.
Rare Book Room
25 Albrecht, Eduard, b. 1823.
Die Krankheiten der Zahnpulpa / von Eduard Albrecht.
Berlin : Verlag von H Peters 1858.
Rare Book Room
26 Allen, Harrison, 1841-1897.
Studies in the facial region.
[Philadelphia?] 1875.
Rare Book Room
27 American Dental Association.
Charter, constitutional and administrative by-laws and code of ethics of the American Dental Association.
[Chicago, Ill.] ; [19--]
1928, 1929, 1939, 1944
Rare Book Room
28 Andrieu, E. 1833-1889. (Edmond),
Quelques vérités sur la manière actuelle de remplacer les dents : le bon sens en prothèse dentaire / par E. Andrieu.
2. éd.
Paris : Coccoz 1866.
Rare Book Room
29 Arcolani, Giovanni, -1484.
Johannis Herculani expositio in primam fen quarti canonis Avicenne.
Venitys : Mandato et symbol expensis nobilis viri Domini Octaviani Scoti civis Modoetiensis per symbol Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensez 1496 sexto Kalendas novembris [25 Oct]
Rare Book Room
30 Arcolani, Giovanni, -1484.
Practica ... particularium morborum omnium ... His suis commentariis, nonum librum Rasis ad Almansorem regem accuratius explicat, partium corporis humani anatomen, morbos, symptomata, causas, ac signa ... pertractat: medendi vero rationem atque remedia ... docet ...
Venetiis, Apud Juntas 1557.
Rare Book Room
31 Arcolani, Giovanni, -1484.
Practica Joannis Arculani.
Venetiis : Expensis Andrre Torresani per Bernardinum Vercellensem 1504.
Rare Book Room
32 Arthur, Robert, 1819-1880.
A popular treatise on the teeth: embracing a description of their structure, the diseases to which they are subject, and their treatment, both for the prevention and cure of those diseases; together with an account of the usual methods of inserting artificial teeth. By Robert Arthur ...
New York : E Ferrett & Co 1845.
Rare Book Room
33 Arthur, Robert, 1819-1880.
Treatment of dental caries complicated with disorders of the pulp by R. Arthur ...
Philadelphia : Jones White & M'Curdy 1853.
Rare Book Room
34 Arthur, Robert.
Treatment and prevention of decay of the teeth : a practical and popular treatise / by Robert Arthur.
Philadelphia : JB Lippincott 1871.
Rare Book Room
35 Ashburner, John, 1793-1878.
On dentition, and some coincident disorders / by John Ashburner.
London : Longman Rees Orme Brown Green and Longman 1834.
Rare Book Room
36 Audibran, Joseph.
Traité historique et practique sur les dents artificielles incorruptibles : contenant les procédés de fabrication et d'application / par Joseph Audibran.
A Paris : Croullebois; Méquignon-Marvis; Gabon; l'Auteur 1821.
Rare Book Room
37 Auenbrugger, Leopold, 1722-1809.
Nouvelle méthode pour reconnaitre les maladies internes de la poitrine par la percussion de cette cavité / par Auenbrugger ; Ouvrage traduit du Latin et commenté par J.N. Corvisart.
Paris : Migneret 1808.
Rare Book Room
38 Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.
Fr. Baconis de Verulamio Sylva sylvarum, sive, Hist. naturalis ; et, Novus Atlas.
Lug. Batavor. : Apud F Hackium 1648.
Rare Book Room
39 Baglivi, Giorgio, 1668-1707
Opera omnia medico-practica et anatomica.
Ed. accuratissima ...
Lugduni, Sumptibus Petri Bruyset 1745.
Rare Book Room
40 Baldwin, Henry
The Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. et al., vs. Daniel H. Smith : arguments for defendant / by Henry Baldwin, Jr., J. S. Black, of counsel.
[Portland, Me : sn 1874]
Rare Book Room
41 Balkwill, F. H.
Mechanical dentistry in gold and vulcanite: arranged with regard to the difficulties of the pupil, mechanical assistant, and young practitioner.
London, Churchill 1880.
Rare Book Room
42 Barker, George T.
Instructions in the preparation, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas.
3rd ed.
[Philadelphia] Rubencame and Barker 1870.
Rare Book Room
43 Bate, C. Spence
The pathology of dental caries / by C. Spence Bate.
London : Cox & Wyman 1864.
Rare Book Room
44 Baumes, J. B. T. 1756-1828 (Jean Baptiste Timothée),
Traité de la première dentition et des maladies souvent très-graves qui en dépendent ...
Paris, Méquignon 1806.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
45 Baumes, J. B. T. 1756-1828 (Jean Baptiste Timothée),
Traité de la première dentition et des maladies souvent très-graves qui en dépendent ...
Paris, Méquignon 1806.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
46 Baumes, J. B. T. 1756-1828. (Jean Baptiste Timothée),
A treatise on first dentition, and the frequently serious disorders which depend upon it / by M. Baumes ... a work crowned by the Royal society of medicine, of Paris, in the year 1783. Tr. from the French, for the American journal of dental science, by Thomas E. Bond, Jr. ... [et al.].
New York : Printed by Fraetas & Kelley 1841.
Rare Book Room
47 Becker, Alexander Christian, 1815-1849.
Dentition, according to some of the best and latest German authorities ... By A.C. Becker, M.D.
New York, W Radde 1848.
Rare Book Room
48 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
London : Edinburgh : D. Lizars, Printed for S Highley 1829.
Rare Book Room
49 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
Philadelphia : Carey & Lea 1830.
Rare Book Room
50 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
Philadelphia : Carey & Lea 1831.
Rare Book Room
51 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
3rd American ed.
Philadelphia : Carey Lea and Blanchard 1837.
Rare Book Room
52 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
2nd ed.
London : printed for S Highley 32 Fleet Street 1835.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
53 Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880.
The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth / by Thomas Bell.
2nd ed.
London : printed for S Highley 32 Fleet Street 1835.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
54 Berchon, Ernest
De l'emploi méthodique des anesthésiques et principalement du chloroforme : à l'aide de l'appareil réglémentaire dans le service de santé de la marine / par Ernest Berchon.
Paris : V Masson 1861.
Rare Book Room
55 Berdmore, Thomas, 1740-1785.
A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums / by Thomas Berdmore.
Dublin : printed by John Exshaw 1769.
Rare Book Room
56 Berdmore, Thomas, 1740-1785.
A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums : explaining the most rational methods of treating their diseases. Illustrated with cases and experiments / by Thomas Berdmore.
Baltimore : American Society of Dental Surgeons 1844.
Rare Book Room
57 Berdmore, Thomas, 1740-1785.
A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums, explaining the most rational methods of treating their diseases ...
A new ed. with additions ...
London, The Author etc 1770.
Rare Book Room
58 Berdmore, Thomas, 1740-1785.
A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums. Containing, the medical and surgical treatment of each case, the care of children in dentition, and the various methods which most effectually conduce to the regularity, beauty, and duration of these parts in every stage of life ...
London, The Author etc 1768.
Rare Book Room
59 Bernard, Claude, 1813-1878.
Leçons sur les anesthésiques et sur l'asphyxie / par Claude Bernard.
Paris : J-B Baillière 1875.
Rare Book Room
60 Bew, Charles.
Opinions on the causes and effects of diseases in the teeth and gums : with practical observations on the devastating consequences of their origin ... / by Charles Bew.
London : Printed for John Callow 1819.
Rare Book Room
61 Bibra, Ernst von, Freiherr, 1806-1878.
Chemische untersuchungen über die Knochen und Zähne des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere : mit Rücksichtnahme auf ihre physiologischen und pathologischen Verhältnisse / von Freiherrn Ernst v. Bibra.
Schweinfurt : im verlage des Kunstverlags 1844.
Rare Book Room
62 Bigelow, Henry Jacob, 1818-1890.
Ether and chloroform : a compendium of their history, surgical use, dangers and discovery / by Henry J. Bigelow.
Boston : David Clapp Printer 1848.
Rare Book Room
63 Black, G. V. 1836-1915. (Greene Vardiman),
Descriptive anatomy of the human teeth / by G. V. Black ; with an introd. by Lawrence A. May and Alfred Gilbert.
3d ed.
Philadelphia : Wilmington Dental manufacturing Company 1894.
Rare Book Room
64 Black, G. V. 1836-1915. (Greene Vardiman),
Descriptive anatomy of the human teeth / by G.V. Black.
Philadelphia : Wilmington Dental Manufacturing Co c1890.
Rare Book Room
65 Blake, Robert, 1772-1822.
An essay on the structure and formation of the teeth in man and various animals / by Robert Blake.
Dublin : Printed by William Porter 1801.
Rare Book Room
66 Blake, Robert, 1772-1822.
An essay on the structure and formation of the teeth in man and various animals / by Robert Blake.
Revised and corrected with notes / by C.O. Cone.
Baltimore : American Society of Dental Surgeons 1848.
Rare Book Room
67 Blandin, Ph. Fr. 1798-1849. (Philippe Frédéric),
Anatomy of the dental system, human and comparative / by Ph. Fr. Blandin ; translated from the French, for the American journal of dental science, by Robert Arthur.
Baltimore : The American Society of Dental Surgeons 1845.
Rare Book Room
68 Blandin, Ph. Fr. 1798-1849. (Philippe Frédéric),
Des dents : thèse présentée et soutenue le 20 jûin 1836, au concours pour une Chaire d'Anatomie vacante a la Faculté de Médecine de Paris / par Ph.-Fréd. Blandin.
Paris : Imprimerie de d'Urtubie et Worms 1836.
Rare Book Room
69 Blume, E.
Der praktische Zahnarzt, oder, Kurzgefasste Lehre der gesammten Zahnarznei-Wissenschaft : Nach den besten Quellen und eigenen Erfahrungen dargestellt / von E. Blume.
Berlin : Heymann 1836.
Rare Book Room
70 Blundell, Walter.
Painless tooth-extraction without chloroform; with observations on local anaesthesia by congelation in general surgery.
2d ed.
London, Churchill 1856.
Rare Book Room
71 Bobbin, Tim, 1708-1786.
Human passions delineated in above 120 figures : droll, satyrical, and humourous : designed in the Hogarthian style, very useful for young practitioners in drawing / By Timo[thy Bo]bbin ...
Manchester : J Heywood 1773.
Rare Book Room
72 Bond, Thos. E. 1813-1872. (Thomas Emerson),
A practical treatise on dental medicine : being a compendium of medical science as connected with the study of dental surgery / by Thos. E. Bond.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1851.
Rare Book Room
73 Bond, Thos. E. 1813-1872. (Thomas Emerson),
A practical treatise on dental medicine, being a compendium of medical science, as connected with the study of dental surgery; to which is appended an inquiry into the use of chloroform, and other anaesthetic agents.
2d ed., rev., corr., and enl.
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston 1852.
Rare Book Room
74 Boston Society for Medical Improvement (Mass.)
Report of a committee of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement : on the alleged dangers which accompany the inhalation of the vapor of sulphuric ether.
Boston : D Clapp printer 1861.
Rare Book Room
75 Bostwick, Homer.
The family dentist, or, A familiar treatise on the art of securing a beautiful set of teeth / by ... Homer Bostwick ...
New York : Published by G P Scott and Co 1835.
Rare Book Room
76 Bourdet, Étienne, 1722-1789.
Recherches et observations sur toutes les parties de l'art du dentiste / par M. Bourdet.
Paris : Jean-Thomas Herissant 1757.
t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
77 Bourdet, Étienne, 1722-1789.
Soins faciles pour la propreté de la bouche : et pour la conservation des dents / par M. Bourdet.
A Paris & se trouve à Liège : Chez FJ Desoer Imprimeur-Libraire 1782.
Rare Book Room
78 Bourdet, Étienne, 1722-1789.
Soins faciles pour la propreté de la bouche, pour la conservation des dents, & pour faire éviter aux enfans les accidens de la dentition : ouvrage où l'on donne aussi les moyens de reconnoître le charlatanisme d'un grand nombre d'opérations qui se pratiquent sur les dents, surtout à leur renouvellement & à leur arrangement dans la jeunesse / par m.Bourdet.
Nouvelle éd., considérablement augmentée.
Paris : J-T Hérissant père 1771.
Rare Book Room
79 Bowditch, N. I. 1805-1861. (Nathaniel Ingersoll),
The ether controversy. Vindication of the hospital report of 1848. By N.I. Bowditch.
Boston, Printed by J Wilson 1848.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
80 Bowditch, N. I. 1805-1861. (Nathaniel Ingersoll),
The ether controversy. Vindication of the hospital report of 1848. By N.I. Bowditch.
Boston, Printed by J Wilson 1848.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
81 Breham, Edward.
Treatise on the structure, formation and various diseases of the teeth and gums : shewing the best modes of alleviating the pains of dentition : of promoting the growth, beauty, colour and durability of teeth : or preventing and curing the tooth-ache, and other disorders of the teeth and gums : of the use and abuse of tooth-powders, tintures, and brushes : together with the pernicious effects of neglecting the teeth, &c. / by Edward Breham.
A New ed.
Leeds : Printed at the Intelligencer-Office by Griffith Wright 1816.
Rare Book Room
82 Bridgman, W. Kencely.
A guide for the proper treatment of the teeth : with a view to their preservation : containing a popular explanation of their structure and appendages, with directions for the management of them in health, and treatment in disease, together with observations on the best means of replacing them when lost / by W. Kencely Bridgman.
London : John Churchill etc 1846.
Rare Book Room
83 Brophy, Truman W.
Oral surgery : a treatise on the diseases, injuries and malformations of the mouth and associated parts / by Truman W. Brophy ... with special chapters by Matthew H. Cryer ... [et al.]
Philadelphia : P Blakiston's [1915]
Rare Book Room
84 Brown, Buckminster, 1819-1891.
On the pathological and physiological effects of ethereal inhalation : with an appendix containing an additional case and experiments / by Buckminster Brown.
Boston : Clapp 1847.
Rare Book Room
85 Brown, J. P. H.
The teeth : their health, disease, and treatment / by J.P.H. Brown.
Augusta, Ga. : Chronicle & Sentinel Steam Printing 1867.
Rare Book Room
86 Brown, Solyman, 1790-1876.
Dental hygeia : a poem, on the health and preservation of the teeth / by Solyman Brown.
New York : Published for the proprietors Kelley & Fraetas 1838.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
87 Brown, Solyman, 1790-1876.
Dental hygeia : a poem, on the health and preservation of the teeth / by Solyman Brown.
New York : Published for the proprietors Kelley & Fraetas 1838.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
88 Brown, Solyman, 1790-1876.
Dentologia : a poem on the diseases of the teeth, and their proper remedies / by Solyman Brown ... with notes, practical, historical, illustrative, and explanatory, by Eleazar Parmly.
New York : Peabody 1833.
Rare Book Room
89 Brown, Solyman, 1790-1876.
Dentologia : a poem on the diseases of the teeth, and their proper remedies / by Solyman Brown ... with notes, practical, historical, illustrative, and explanatory, by Eleazar Parmly.
New-York : sn 1840.
Rare Book Room
90 Brückmann, Franz Ernst, 1697-1753.
Epistola itineraria XIV : de remediis quibusdam odontalgicis ad virum excellentissimum atque doctissimum dominum, dominum Christoph. Jac. Trew / Francisci Ernesti Brückmanni.
Wolffenbuttelae : sn 1729.
Rare Book Room
91 Burdell, Harvey.
Observations on the structure, physiology, anatomy, and diseases of the teeth; in two parts. Part 1, by Harvey Burdell. Part 2, by John Burdell.
New York, Gould and Newman 1838.
Rare Book Room
92 Burdell, John, 1806?-1850.
Teeth, their structure, disease, and treatment.
10th ed.
New York, Fowlers and Wells 1848.
Rare Book Room
93 Cameron, D. A.
Plain advice on the care of the teeth : with a popular history of the dentist's art, and a chapter to mothers on the management of children during the first dentition / by D.A. Cameron.
Glasgow : R Griffin 1838.
Rare Book Room
94 Campani, Antonio, b. 1738.
Odontologia ossia, trattato sopra i denti / opera di Antonio Campani, pubblico dentista fiorentino, nella quale si ragiona dei mali de' denti, e loro cura, e specialmente della maniera di estrarli.
Firenze : Per Gaetano Cambiagi stampator granducale 1786.
Rare Book Room
95 Canton, Alfred.
The teeth and their preservation : in infancy and manhood to old age / by Alfred Canton.
London ; New York : Hippolyte Balliere and 2 others 1851.
Rare Book Room
96 Carabelli, Georg, Edler von Lunkaszprie, 1787-1842.
Kupfertafeln zu v. Carabelli's Anatomie des Mundes.
Wien : Bei Braumüller und Seidel 1842.
Rare Book Room
97 Carabelli, Georg, Edler von Lunkaszprie, 1787-1842.
Systematisches Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde / von Georg Carabelli Edlen von Lunkaszprie.
Wien : Braumüller und Seidel 1844.
v. 1-2
Rare Book Room
98 Cardano, Girolamo, 1501-1576.
Opuscula medica senilia in quatuor libros tributa, quorum I. De dentibus. II. De rationali curandi ratione. III. De facultatibus medicamentorum, praecipue purgantium. IV. De morbo regio. Omnia nunc primum ex MS. Bibliothecae Romanae in lucem data ...
Lugduni, Sumptibus Laurentii Durand 1638.
Rare Book Room
99 Carter, Albert.
Dentists and dentistry : a dissertation upon dentists in general, old established dentists, advertising dentists, and dentists by registration, cheap dentistry, painless dentistry, enamelled teeth, adamantine teeth, self adhesive teeth, patents, prize medals, international awards, and all the rest of it, as daily set forth in the advertising columns of the papers / by Albert Carter.
[London] : Kimpton 1880.
Rare Book Room
100 Channing, Walter, 1786-1876.
A treatise on etherization in childbirth. Illustrated by five hundred and eighty-one cases. By Walter Channing ...
Boston, WD Ticknor and company 1848.
Rare Book Room
101 Charleton, Walter, 1620-1707.
Natural history of nutrition, life, and voluntary motion. Containing all the new discoveries of anatomist's, most probable opinions of physicians, concerning the oeconomie of human nature; methodically delivered in exercitations physico-anatomical ...
London, Henry Herringman 1659.
Rare Book Room
102 Chase, Henry S.
Familiar talks about the teeth / by Henry S. Chase.
3rd ed.
St. Louis : by the author 1874
Rare Book Room
103 Chicago Dental Society (Ill.)
Proceedings of the Chicago Dental Society at the twenty-fifth anniversary, held at the Grand Pacific Hotel and the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, February 5, 6, and 7, 1889.
Chicago, Dental Review Company 1889.
Rare Book Room
104 Chisolm, Julian John, 1830-1903.
What anæsthetic shall we use? by Julian J. Chisolm.
[S.l. : sn 1877?]
Rare Book Room
105 Cigrand, Bernard John, 1866-
The rise, fall and revival of dental prosthesis ; introductory lecture / by B. J. Cigrand.
Chicago, Ill., Severinghaus & Beilfuss printers 1892.
Rare Book Room
106 Clark, Andrew, dentist
Practical directions for preserving the teeth : with an account of the most modern and improved methods of supplying their loss : and a notice of an improved artificial palate, invented by the author / by Andrew Clark.
London : Printed for the author published by Knight and Lacey 1825.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
107 Clark, Andrew, dentist
Practical directions for preserving the teeth : with an account of the most modern and improved methods of supplying their loss : and a notice of an improved artificial palate, invented by the author / by Andrew Clark.
London : Printed for the author published by Knight and Lacey 1825.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
108 Clark, Andrew.
Practical directions for preserving the teeth ; with an account of the most modern and improved methods of supplying their loss; and a notice of an improved artificial palate, invented by the author, By Andrew Clark.
2d ed.
London, J Rodwell 1826.
Rare Book Room
109 Clark, J. Paterson (John Paterson).
A practical and familiar treatise on the teeth and dentism. By J. Paterson Clark, M.A.
London, A W Webster 1836.
Rare Book Room
110 Clark, John P. (John Paterson)
A new system of treating the human teeth : explaining the causes which lead to their decay : and the most approved methods of preserving them : with copious and explanatory notes : to which is added some account of a discovery made by the author for the cure of tooth-ache and tic douloureux, &c. &c. / by J. Paterson Clark.
London : Longman Rees Orme & Co 1829.
Rare Book Room
111 Clark, John P. (John Paterson)
A new system of treating the human teeth : explaining the causes which lead to their decay, and the most approved methods of preserving them, with copious & explanatory notes, to which is added some account of a discovery made by the author for the cure of toothache and tic-douloureux, &c. / by J. Paterson Clark.
2nd. ed.
London : Longman Rees Orme Brown and Green 1830.
Rare Book Room
112 Clark, John P. (John Paterson)
The odontalgist : or, How to preserve the teeth, cure toothache, and regulate dentition from infancy to age / by J. Paterson Clark.
London : J Churchill 1854.
Rare Book Room
113 Clark, John P. (John Paterson)
A practical treatise on teething : and the management of the teeth, from infancy to the completion of the second dentition at about twenty-four years of age : in four chapters, each descriptive of an era in the development of the teeth and jaws / by J. Paterson Clark.
London : Longman Rees Orme Brown Green and Longman 1835.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
114 Clark, John P. (John Paterson)
A practical treatise on teething : and the management of the teeth, from infancy to the completion of the second dentition at about twenty-four years of age : in four chapters, each descriptive of an era in the development of the teeth and jaws / by J. Paterson Clark.
London : Longman Rees Orme Brown Green and Longman 1835.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
115 Clendon, J. Chitty 1809-1870. (John Chitty),
Observations on the extraction of teeth : with plates / by J. Chitty Clendon.
London : S Highley 1843.
Rare Book Room
116 Clifford, Isidore E.
Crown, bar, and bridge-work : new methods of permanently adjusting artificial teeth without plates / by Isidore E. Clifford, and R.E. Clifford.
London : Simpkin Marshall & Co 1886.
Rare Book Room
117 Coles, Oakley.
The dental student's note book / edited by Oakley Coles.
London : Baillière Tindall and Cox 1880.
Rare Book Room
118 Coles, Oakley.
A list of works on dentistry, published between the years 1536 and 1882, with a catalogue of the periodical literature relating to the profession from 1839 to 1882 / by Oakley Coles.
London : Printed by John Bale and Sons 1883.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
119 Coles, Oakley.
A list of works on dentistry, published between the years 1536 and 1882, with a catalogue of the periodical literature relating to the profession from 1839 to 1882 / by Oakley Coles.
London : Printed by John Bale and Sons 1883.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
120 Coles, Oakley.
On deformities of the mouth, congenital and acquired, with their mechanical treatment / by James Oakley Coles.
2d ed., rev. and enl.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1870.
Rare Book Room
121 Coles, Oakley.
On the condition of the mouth and teeth during pregnancy / by Oakley Coles.
London : Wyman 1874.
Rare Book Room
122 Colton, J. J.
The physiological action of nitrous oxide gas, as shown by experiments upon man and the lower animals. Together with suggestions as to its safety, uses and abuses. By J. J. Colton ...
Philadelphia, S S White 1871.
Rare Book Room
123 Cook, Augustus.
An essay on the teeth / by Augustus Cook.
London : John Churchill 1848.
Rare Book Room
124 Cornelio, Vittorio, 1752-1832.
Statistica odontalgica del Piemonte ed in ispecie di Torino per l'anno 1817 in serie colle pubblicate per gli anni 1814, 1815, e 1816. Arricchita del risultato delle principali operazioni, osservazioni e sperienze fattevi / dal Vittorio Cornelio.
Torino : V Pomba e Figli 1818.
Rare Book Room
125 Corning, James Leonard, 1855-
Local anæsthesia in general medicine and surgery, being the practical application of the author's recent discoveries. By J. Leonard Corning ...
New York, D Appleton and company 1886.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
126 Corning, James Leonard, 1855-
Local anæsthesia in general medicine and surgery, being the practical application of the author's recent discoveries. By J. Leonard Corning ...
New York, D Appleton and company 1886.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
127 Cox, Edwin.
Practical observations on the degeneracy and presevation of the teeth / by Edwin Cox.
London : Elliott Stock 1877.
Rare Book Room
128 Crowley, C. George.
Dental bibliography: a standard reference list of books on dentistry published throughout the world from 1536-1885. Arranged chronologically, and supplemented with a complete cross-reference to authors. Comp. by C. Geo. Crowley.
Philadelphia, SS White Dental Mfg Co 1885.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
129 Crowley, C. George.
Dental bibliography: a standard reference list of books on dentistry published throughout the world from 1536-1885. Arranged chronologically, and supplemented with a complete cross-reference to authors. Comp. by C. Geo. Crowley.
Philadelphia, SS White Dental Mfg Co 1885.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
130 Cruet, Ludger, 1850-1918.
Des caries dentaires compliquées : considérées principalemente au point de vue de leur traitement / par Ludger Cruet.
Paris : J-B Baillière 1879.
Rare Book Room
131 Curling, Thomas Blizrd, 1811-1888.
The advantages of ether and chloroform in operative sugery, an address delivered to the Hunterian society on the 9th of February, 1848.
London, S Highley 1848.
Rare Book Room
132 Cuvier, Frédéric, 1773-1838.
Des dents des mammifères, considérées comme caractères zoologiques. Par M. F. Cuvier ...
Strasbourg, F G Levrault etc etc 1825.
Rare Book Room
133 Dastre, A. 1844-1917. (Albert),
Les anesthésiques physiologie et applications chirurgicales.
Paris : G Masson Éditeur Libraire de l'Académie de Médecine 1890.
Rare Book Room
134 Davenport, J. W.
The mirror of dentistry; a review of the present state of the dental profession, with full information as to the various operations in dentistry, ... illustrated by twenty-two engravings, by J.W. Davenport. ...
London : Pulleyn; Seeleys 1852.
Rare Book Room
135 David, Théophile, 1851-
Bibliographie française de l'art dentaire.
Paris, Alcan 1889.
Rare Book Room
136 Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1778-1829
Researches, chemical and philosophical; chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, or dephlogisticated nitrous air, and its respiration. By Humphry Davy ...
London, Printed for J Johnson 1800.
Rare Book Room
137 De La Fons, J. P.
A description of the new patent instrument for extracting teeth; also of a patent method of fixing artificial teeth.
London : Highley; Sams; Hatchard 1826.
Rare Book Room
138 De Loude, L. Charles, 1795-1862.
Surgical, operative, and mechanical dentistry : the substance of a series of lectures / delivered by L. Charles De Loude ...
London : Whittaker and Co 1840.
Rare Book Room
139 Delabarre, A. 1819-1878. (Antoine Francois Adolphe),
De La mortalité des enfants en bas age a l'époque de la dentition : guide maternel / par A. Delabarre ...
Paris : Librairie de V Masson 1855.
Rare Book Room
140 Delabarre, Antoine François Adolphe, 1819-1878.
Des accidents de dentition chez les enfants en bas âge et des moyens de les combattre.
Paris, Masson 1851.
Rare Book Room
141 Delabarre, C. F. 1787-1862. (Christophe Franc̜ois),
Odontologie, ou, Observations sur les dents humaines : suivies de quelques idées nouvelles sur le mécanisme des dentiers artificiels / par C. Fr. Delabarre.
A Paris : A Rouen; Chez le Normant; Chez L'Auteur 1815.
Rare Book Room
142 Delabarre, C. F. 1787-1862. (Christophe Franc̜ois),
A treatise on second dentition, and the natural method of directing it; followed by a summary of stomatic semeology. By C.F. Delabarre. Translated from the French, for the American Library of Dental Science. By *-A-*.
Baltimore, American Society of Dental Surgeons 1845.
Rare Book Room
143 Delabarre, C. Fr. 1787-1862. (Christophe Franc̜ois),
Traité de la seconde dentition : et méthode naturelle de la diriger : sui vis dún aperc̜u de séméiotique buccale / par C.F. Delabarre.
A Paris : Gabon; Méquignon-Marvis; LÁuteur 1819.
Rare Book Room
144 Delabarre, C. Fr. 1787-1862. (Christophe François),
Traité de la partie mécanique de l'art du chirurgien-dentiste.
Paris : Méquignon-Marvis; Gabon; Croullebois; Chez l'auteur 1820.
copy 1, t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
145 Delabarre, C. Fr. 1787-1862. (Christophe François),
Traité de la partie mécanique de l'art du chirurgien-dentiste.
Paris : Méquignon-Marvis; Gabon; Croullebois; Chez l'auteur 1820.
copy 2, t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
146 Desirabode, Antoine Malagou, b. 1771.
Nouveaux éléments complets de la science et de l'art du dentiste / par Desirabode et ses fils ; suivis d'une notice historique et chronologique des travaux imprimés sur l'art du dentiste depuis Hippocrate jusqu'a nous ; contenant plus de cent noms qui ne sont indiqués dans aucune notice publiée à ce sujet.
Paris : Labe (successeur) Libraire de la faculté de médicine; Ancienne Maison Bechet Jeune 1843--septembre.
t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
147 Desirabode, Antoine Malagou, b. 1771.
Nouveaux éléments complets de la science et de l'art du dentiste, par (M.) Desirabode, et ses fils, suivis d'une notice historique et chronologique des travaux imprimés sur l'art du dentiste depuis Hippocrate jusqu'à nous. Ouvrage adopté pour les Écoles du Médecine et de Pharmacie, par Ordonnance ministrérielle, rendue sur le rapport du Conseil royal de l'Instruction publique; et pour les Hôpitaux des Ports et des Colonies, par Ordonnance ministérielle, sur le rapport de M. l'inspecteur général du Service de Santé de la Marine.
2. ed.
Paris, Labé 1845.
t. 1
Rare Book Room
148 Desirabode, Antoine Malagou, b.1771.
Complete elements of the science and art of the dentist. By M. Desirabode... assisted by his sons... followed by an historical and chronological notice of the works published on the dental art from the time of Hippocrates... Translated from the French, for the American Library of Dental Science by *-A-*.
2d ed.
Baltimore, American Society of Dental Surgeons 1847.
Rare Book Room
149 Detzner, Philipp.
Traité pratique de prothèse dentaire / de Philippe Detzner, traduit de l'allemand par le Docteur Thésée ... et Ch. Schütz.
Paris : J-B Baillière; PC Ash [1903]
Rare Book Room
150 Ditcham, Vooght.
Our teeth : care and preservation : diseases of the teeth, mouth, and gums, causes of decay, general treatment, special advice / by Vooght Ditcham.
London : Baillière Tindall and Cox 1895.
Rare Book Room
151 DuBouchet, Charles A.
The family dentist, including the surgical, medical and mechanical treatment of the teeth. By Chas. A. Du Bouchet.
Philadelphia, Lippincott Grambo & co 1850.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
152 DuBouchet, Charles A.
The family dentist, including the surgical, medical and mechanical treatment of the teeth. By Chas. A. Du Bouchet.
Philadelphia, Lippincott Grambo & co 1850.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
153 Dubois Foucou, Jean Joseph dentiste du roi.
[Lettre adressée a MM. les dentistes sur les dents artificielles en porcelaine, sur celles faites avec des substanees animales] / par Dubois-Foucou.
[Paris]: R Madame; Porthmann [1808]
Rare Book Room
154 Dubois de Chémant, Nicolas, 1753-1824.
A dissertation on artificial teeth ; evincing the advantages of teeth made of mineral paste over every denomination of animal substance; To which is added, advice to mothers and nurses, on the prevention and cure of those diseases which attend the first dentition.
4th ed.
London : printed by T Bensley Bolt-Court and may be had of the author 1804.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
155 Dubois de Chémant, Nicolas, 1753-1824.
A dissertation on artificial teeth ; evincing the advantages of teeth made of mineral paste over every denomination of animal substance; To which is added, advice to mothers and nurses, on the prevention and cure of those diseases which attend the first dentition.
4th ed.
London : printed by T Bensley Bolt-Court and may be had of the author 1804.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
156 Dubois de Chémant, Nicolas, 1753-1824.
A dissertation on artificial teeth in general : exposing the defects and injurious consequences of all teeth made of animal substances ... The superior advantages of teeth made of a mineral composition are fully demonstrated.
London : J Barker 1797.
Rare Book Room
157 Dubois de Chémant, Nicolas, 1753-1824.
A dissertation on artificial teeth in general ; exposing the defects and injurious consequences of all teeth made of animal substances, the curruptibility and dangers of which are at present acknowledged by the faculty; the superior advantages of teeth made of a mineral and incorruptible composition are fully demonstrated, approved, and recommended by the faculty and royal society of medicine, by the academies of sciences and surgery, and by many eminent physicians and surgeons in Paris, London, &c.
London : printed by J Baker 1797.
Rare Book Room
158 Dubois-Foucou, dentiste du roi.
Rapport, fait a l'athénée des arts, par Messieurs Le Blond, De Trouville, De Saintot et Jaquelin-Dubuisson, sur l'ouvrage de M. Dubois-Foucou, ayant pour titre : Exposé de nouveaux procédés pour la confection des dents dites de composition, et sur l'examen des divers procédés employés par M. Dubois-Foucou et par M. Fonzi, pour la fabrication des dents artificielles, lu et adopté dans l'assemblée générale du 13 Novembre 1809.
[Paris?] : Cordier [1809]
copy 1
Rare Book Room
159 Dubois-Foucou, dentiste du roi.
Rapport, fait a l'athénée des arts, par Messieurs Le Blond, De Trouville, De Saintot et Jaquelin-Dubuisson, sur l'ouvrage de M. Dubois-Foucou, ayant pour titre : Exposé de nouveaux procédés pour la confection des dents dites de composition, et sur l'examen des divers procédés employés par M. Dubois-Foucou et par M. Fonzi, pour la fabrication des dents artificielles, lu et adopté dans l'assemblée générale du 13 Novembre 1809.
[Paris?] : Cordier [1809]
copy 2
Rare Book Room
160 Dunglison, Robley, 1798-1869.
Medical lexicon. A dictionary of medical science containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, pharmacology, pharmacy, surgery, obstetrics, medical jurisprudence, dentistry, etc.; notices of climate and of mineral waters; formulae for officinal, empirical, and dietetic preparations, etc; with French and other synonymes.
Rev. and very greatly enl.
Philadelphia, Blanchard and Lea 1860 [c1857]
copy 1
Rare Book Room
161 Dunglison, Robley, 1798-1869.
Medical lexicon. A dictionary of medical science containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, pharmacology, pharmacy, surgery, obstetrics, medical jurisprudence, dentistry, etc.; notices of climate and of mineral waters; formulae for officinal, empirical, and dietetic preparations, etc; with French and other synonymes.
Rev. and very greatly enl.
Philadelphia, Blanchard and Lea 1860 [c1857]
copy 2
Rare Book Room
162 Duval, J.-R. 1758-1854. (Jacques-Réné),
Le dentiste de la jeunesse : ou, Moyens d'avoir les dents belles et bonnes, précédes des conseils des poetes anciens sur la conservation des dents; ouvrage destiné aux jeunes gens, aux pères et mères, et à toutes les personnes chargées de l'éducation des enfans / par J.R. Duval.
Nouv. éd., considérablement augm.
Paris : Méquignon-Marvis 1817.
Rare Book Room
163 Duval, J.-R. 1758-1854. (Jacques-Réné),
Recherches historiques sur l'art du dentiste chez les anciens.
Paris : Migneret 1808.
Rare Book Room
164 Duval, J.-R. 1758-1854. (Jacques-Réné),
Réflexions sur l'odontalgie, considérée dans ses rapports avec d'autres maladies.
[Paris, Société de Médecine 1803]
Rare Book Room
165 Duval, J.-R. 1758-1854. (Jacques-Réné),
The youth's dentist; or, The way to have sound and beautiful teeth. Designed for the more intelligent orders of parents and guardians and containing some useful hints to the faculty. By J. R. Duval ... Tr. and supplied with notes by J. Atkinson ...
Baltimore, The American society of dental surgeons 1848.
Rare Book Room
166 Dwinelle, William H.
The casket and the ribbon : or The honors of ether / by William H. Dwinelle.
Baltimore : John W Woods printer 1849.
Rare Book Room
167 Elliotson, John, 1791-1868.
Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in the mesmeric state : with remarks upon the opposition of many members of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society and others to the reception of the inestimable blessings of mesmerism / by John Elliotson ...
London : H Baillière 1843.
Rare Book Room
168 Emery, d', sieur.
Recueil des curiositez rares & nouvelles des plus admirables effects de la nature & de l'art
Leide : suivant la copie de Paris Pierre vander Aa 1684.
Rare Book Room
169 Eustachi, Bartolomeo, d. 1574.
Bartholomaei Eustachii Sanctoseverinatis medici ac philosophi Opuscula anatomica : quorum numerum & argumenta aversa pagina indicabit.
Venetiis : Vicentius Luchinus excudebat 1563.
Rare Book Room
170 Evans, George, 1844-1942.
A practical treatise on artificial crown- and bridge-work. By George Evans. With 500 illustrations.
Philadelphia, The S S White Dental Mfg Co 1888.
Rare Book Room
171 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Le chirurgien dentiste, ou Traite' des dents. ou l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines, de les embellir, d'en réparer la perte & de remedier à leurs maladies, à celles des geneives & aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents. Avec des observations & des reflexions sur plusieurs cas singuliers. Ouvrage enrichi de quarante planches en taille douce. Par Pierre Fauchard ...
A Paris : Chez Jean Mariette 1728.
t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
172 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Le chirurgien dentiste, ou Traité des dents, ou l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines, de les embellir, d'en réparer la perte & de remédier à leurs maladies, à celles des gencives & aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents. Avec des observations & des réflexions sur plusieurs cas singuliers. Ouvrage enrichi de quarante-deux planches en taille douce. Par Pierre Fauchard ...
2. éd. revúë, corrigée & considérablement augementée.
A Paris : Chez P-J Mariette et chez l'auteur 1746.
copy 1, t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
173 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Le chirurgien dentiste, ou Traité des dents, ou l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines, de les embellir, d'en réparer la perte & de remédier à leurs maladies, à celles des gencives & aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents. Avec des observations & des réflexions sur plusieurs cas singuliers. Ouvrage enrichi de quarante-deux planches en taille douce. Par Pierre Fauchard ...
2. éd. revúë, corrigée & considérablement augementée.
A Paris : Chez P-J Mariette et chez l'auteur 1746.
copy 2, t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
174 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Le chirurgien dentiste, ou Traité des dents, ou l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines, de les embellir, d'en réparer la perte & de remédier à leurs maladies, à celles des gencives & aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents. Avec des observations & des réflexions sur plusieurs cas singuliers. Ouvrage enrichi de quarante-deux planches en taille douce. Par Pierre Fauchard ...
2. éd. revúë, corrigée & considérablement augementée.
A Paris : Chez P-J Mariette et chez l'auteur 1746.
copy 3, t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
175 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Le chirurgien dentiste, ou Traité des dents, ou l'on enseigne les moyens de les entretenir propres & saines, de les embellir, d'en réparer la perte & de remédier à leurs maladies, à celles des gencives & aux accidens qui peuvent survenir aux autres parties voisines des dents. Avec des observations & des réflexions sur plusieurs cas singuliers. Ouvrage enrichi de quarante-deux planches en taille douce. Par Pierre Fauchard ...
3. éd. revue, corrigée & considérablement augmentée. ...
A Paris : Chez Servieres 1786.
t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
176 Fauchard, Pierre, 1678-1761.
Herrn Pierre Fauchard Frantzösischer zahn-artzt, oder Tractat von den zähnen: worinnen die mittel, selbige sauber und gesund zu erhalten, sie schöner zu machen, die verlohrne wieder zu ersetzen, und die ungesunden, wie auch die kranckheiten des zahnfleisches, und die zufälle, welche anderen nahe bey den zähnen liegenden theilen zustossen können, zu heilen, gelehret werden; samt observationen und betrachtungen über viele besondere fälle; mit viertzig kupffer-tafeln ausgezieret. Mit einer vorrede herrn d. Augustini Buddei ...
Berlin : Zu finden bey Joh Andreas Rüdigern 1733.
Rare Book Room
177 Finot, C. G.
Essai sur les maladies qui surviennent aux enfans à l'époque de la premiere dentition / c par C.G. Finot.
Paris : Imprimerie de Didot jeune 1813.
Rare Book Room
178 Fitch, Samuel Sheldon, 1801-1876.
A system of dental surgery ... By Samuel Sheldon Fitch ...
New York, G & C & H Carvill 1829.
Rare Book Room
179 Fitch, Samuel Sheldon, 1801-1876.
A system of dental surgery ; in three parts; I. Dental surgery as a science, II. Operative dental surgery, III. Pharmacy connected with dental surgery.
Second edition.
Philadelphia : Carey Lea & Blanchard 1835.
Rare Book Room
180 Flagg, J. F. B. 1804-1872. (John Foster Brewster),
Ether and chloroform : their employment in surgery, dentistry, midwifery, therapeutics, etc. / by J. F. B. Flagg.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1851.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
181 Flagg, J. F. B. 1804-1872. (John Foster Brewster),
Ether and chloroform : their employment in surgery, dentistry, midwifery, therapeutics, etc. / by J. F. B. Flagg.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1851.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
182 Flagg, Josiah F. 1788-1853. (Josiah Foster),
The family dentist; containing a brief description of the structure, formation, diseases, and treatment of the human teeth. By Josiah F. Flagg ...
Boston, J W Ingraham 1822.
Rare Book Room
183 Ford, Corydon L. 1813-1894. (Corydon La),
Syllabus of lectures and questions on odontology, human and comparative, for the use of students in the dental college, of the University of Michigan. By Corydon L. Ford ...
Ann Arbor, Register printing house 1884.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
184 Ford, Corydon L. 1813-1894. (Corydon La),
Syllabus of lectures and questions on odontology, human and comparative, for the use of students in the dental college, of the University of Michigan. By Corydon L. Ford ...
Ann Arbor, Register printing house 1884.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
185 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
Histoire naturelle et maladies des dents de l'espèce humaine : en deux parties, avec vingt-trois planches / par Joseph Fox ; ouvrage traduit de l'anglais par le chevalier Lemaire.
A Paris : Chez l'auteur et chez Bechet jeune libraire 1821
Rare Book Room
186 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
The history and treatment of the diseases of the teeth, the gums, and the alveolar processes : with the operations which they respectively require ; to which are added, observations on other diseases of the mouth, and on the mode of fixing artificial teeth ... / by Joseph Fox ...
London : Printed by James Swan for Thomas Cox and sold by J Johnson Longman Hurst Rees and Orme Blacks and Parry J Murray J and A Arch S Highley and U Callow London and W Creech Edinburgh 1806.
Rare Book Room
187 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
The natural history and diseases of the human teeth / by Joseph Fox.
1st American from the 3rd London ed. ; remodeled, with an introduction and numerous additions / by Chapin A. Harris.
Philadelphia : Ed Barrington & Geo D Haswell 1846.
Rare Book Room
188 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
The natural history and diseases of the human teeth : in two parts/ by Joseph Fox.
2d ed., enl.
London : Cox 1814.
Rare Book Room
189 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
The natural history and diseases of the human teeth: in two parts / by Joseph Fox.
3d ed.
London: Cox 1833.
Rare Book Room
190 Fox, Joseph, 1776-1816.
The natural history of the human teeth : including a particular elucidation of the changes which take place during the second dentition, and desribing the proper mode of treatment to prevent irregularities of the teeth... to which is added an account of the diseases which affect children during the first dentition / by Joseph Fox.
London : Printed for T Cox 1803.
Rare Book Room
191 Fuller, John.
A popular essay on the structure, formation, & management of the teeth ... / by John Fuller.
London : Pub for the author by Sherwood Neely & Jones and 2 others 1810.
Rare Book Room
192 Galippe, V. (Victor).
Recherches sur les propriétés physiques et la constitution chimique des dents sur les rapports du coefficient de résistance, à l'état de santé ou de maladie, aves les modifications de la nutrition : étude de pathologie générale / par V. Galippe.
Paris : G Masson [1884].
Rare Book Room
193 Galippe, V. 1848-1922. (Victor),
Rapport sur l'enseignement de l'odontologie en Angleterre : adressé à M. le ministre de l'instruction publique / par le Dr V. Galippe.
Paris : G Masson 1882.
Rare Book Room
194 Gardette, Emile B. 1803-1887. (Emile Blaise),
Biographical notice of (the late) James Gardette, surgeon dentist, of Philadelphia : written at the invitation of Dr. C.A. Harris, for a "dental dictionary" he is about to publish / by Emile B. Gardette.
Philadelphia : publisher not identified 1847.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
195 Gardette, Emile B. 1803-1887. (Emile Blaise),
Biographical notice of (the late) James Gardette, surgeon dentist, of Philadelphia : written at the invitation of Dr. C.A. Harris, for a "dental dictionary" he is about to publish / by Emile B. Gardette.
Philadelphia : publisher not identified 1847.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
196 Gardette, Emile B., 1803?-1888.
Biographical notice of (the late) James Gardette, surgeon dentist of Philadelphia / by Emile B. Gardette.
Philadelphia : sn 1850.
Rare Book Room
197 Gariot, J. B.
Treatise on the diseases of the mouth; comprising the structure and functions of the mouth, the history of its diseases the means of presenting it in beauty and health, and operations appertaining to the dental art / J.B. Gariot ; tr. from the French by J.B. Savier.
Baltimore : The American Society of Dental Surgeons 1843.
Rare Book Room
198 Gariot, Jean Baptiste.
Traité des maladies de la bouche; d'après l'état actuel des connoissances en médecine et en chirurgie, qui comprend la structure et les fonctions de la bouche, l'histoire de ses maladies, les moyens d'en conserver la santé et la beauté, et les opérations particulières à l'art du dentiste.
Paris, Duprat-Duverger 1805.
Rare Book Room
199 Garretson, James 1828-1895. (James Edmund),
A treatise on the diseases and surgery of the mouth, jaws and associate parts / by James E. Garretson.
Philadelphia : JB Lippincott & Co 1869.
Rare Book Room
200 Gerbaux, J. C.
A practical treatise on the most frequent diseases of the mouth and teeth : and especially the accidents of the first dentition : with the means of remedying them, of preserving all the parts of the mouth in good condition : and an essay on the physical education of children : to which are added considerations on the improvement of the instruments of a dentist : on a new instrument proposed by the author, and some proposed plans relative to artificial teeth : with an engraving / by J.C. Gerbaux.
London : Printed for J Anderson 1823.
Rare Book Room
201 Géraudly, Claude Jaquier de, b. 1709.
L'art de conserver les dents. Ouvrage utile & nécessaire, non seulement aux jeunes gens qui se destinent à la profession de dentiste, mais encore à toutes les personnes qui veulent avoir les dents belles & nettes. Par le sieur Geraudly ...
Paris : Chez PG LeMercier; Chez l'auteur 1737.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
202 Géraudly, Claude Jaquier de, b. 1709.
L'art de conserver les dents. Ouvrage utile & nécessaire, non seulement aux jeunes gens qui se destinent à la profession de dentiste, mais encore à toutes les personnes qui veulent avoir les dents belles & nettes. Par le sieur Geraudly ...
Paris : Chez PG LeMercier; Chez l'auteur 1737.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
203 Ghrimes, Samuel.
The teeth physiologically considered : their development, disease, preservation, and replacement / by Samuel Ghrimes.
London : H Renshaw 1843.
Rare Book Room
204 Gidney, Eleazer, 1797-1876.
A treatise on the structure, diseases, and management of the human teeth ...
1st ed.
Utica [N. Y.] Printed for the author by Augustine G Dauby 1824.
Rare Book Room
205 Gildemeister, Eduard.
Die aetherischen Oele. Von E. Gildemeister und Fr. Hoffmann.
Berlin, Julius Springer 1899.
Rare Book Room
206 Girard, François Narcisse, 1796-1825.
A treatise on the teeth of the horse; shewing its age by the changes the teeth undergo, from a foal up to twenty-three years old, especially after the eighth year. Tr. by T. Irwin Ganly.
London, Sherwood Gilbert and Piper 1829.
Rare Book Room
207 Glassington, Charles W.
Golden rules of dental surgery, by Chas. W. Glassington.
Bristol : London : Simpkin Marshall Hamilton Kent; J Wright [189-?]
Rare Book Room
208 Goblin, D. J.
Manuel du dentiste a l'usage des examens; ou, Traité de chirurgie dentaire considérée sous les rapports anatomique, physiologique, hygiénique et pathologique.
Paris : Chez l'Auteur; Compère 1827.
Rare Book Room
209 Goddard, Paul B. 1811-1866. (Paul Beck),
The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human teeth; with the most approved methods of treatment; including operations, and the method of making and setting artificial teeth with thirty plates : by Paul B. Goddard...aided in the practical part by Joseph E. Parker.
Philadelphia : Carey and Hart 1844.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
210 Goddard, Paul B. 1811-1866. (Paul Beck),
The anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human teeth; with the most approved methods of treatment; including operations, and the method of making and setting artificial teeth with thirty plates : by Paul B. Goddard...aided in the practical part by Joseph E. Parker.
Philadelphia : Carey and Hart 1844.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
211 Gorham, John, 1815?-1899.
Tooth extraction; a manual on the proper mode of extracting teeth, with a table exhibiting in parallel columns the names of all the teeth, the instruments required for their extraction, and the most approved methods of using them / by John Gorham.
3d ed.
London, Lewis 1889.
Rare Book Room
212 Gorter, Johannes de, 1689-1762.
Medicinae compendium, in usum exercitationis domesticae; digestum a Johanne de Gorter ... Pars prima [-secunda]
Francofurti ; Lipsiae : Apud Johannem Fridericum Jahn 1749.
Rare Book Room
213 Gorter, Johannes de, 1689-1762.
Oratio de praxis medicae repurgatae certitudine publice dicta die 14 junii 1729 ...
Francofurti, Lipsiae Apud Johannem Fridericum Jahn 1749.
Rare Book Room
214 Gray, John, 1788?-1863.
Preservation of the teeth indispensable to comfort and appearance, health and longevity : being a new edition of Dental practice.
London : R and JE Taylor 1842.
Rare Book Room
215 Gray, John, surgeon-dentist.
Preservation of the teeth indispensable to comfort and appearance, health and longevity, being a new edition of dental practice.
New ed.
London : J Churchill 1842.
Rare Book Room
216 Gray, John, surgeon-dentist.
Preservation of the teeth; indispensable to comfort and appearance, health and longevity.
2d ed.
London Taylor 1838.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
217 Gray, John, surgeon-dentist.
Preservation of the teeth; indispensable to comfort and appearance, health and longevity.
2d ed.
London Taylor 1838.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
218 Grifoni, Giovanni Pompeo.
Metodo pratico per la pulizia : conservazione e cura dei denti guasti : memoria / di Giov. Pompeo Grifoni.
Siena : Onorato Porri 1819.
Rare Book Room
219 Hamonaide, G.
Examens des chirurgiens-dentistes : anatomie, physiologie, pathologie et thérapeutique dentaires : programmes, épreuves pratiques et questionnaires comprenant toutes les questions posées aux trois examens des chirurgiens-dentistes et recueillies / par ... G. Hamonaide.
Paris : J-B Baillière et Fils 1895.
Rare Book Room
220 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
The dental art, a practical treatise on dental surgery.
Baltimore, Armstrong & Berry 1839.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
221 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
The dental art, a practical treatise on dental surgery.
Baltimore, Armstrong & Berry 1839.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
222 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
A dictionary of dental science, biography, bibliography and medical terminology / by Chapin A. Harris.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1849.
Rare Book Room
223 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
A physiological and pathological inquiry concerning the physical characteristics of the human teeth and gums : the salivary calculus, the lips and tongue, and the fluids of the mouth, together with their respective local and constitutional indications / by Chapin A. Harris.
Baltimore : Armstrong and Berry 1841.
Rare Book Room
224 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
The principles and practice of dental surgery / by Chapin A. Harris.
3d ed.: rev., modified, and greatly enlarged.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1848.
Rare Book Room
225 Harris, Chapin A. 1806-1860. (Chapin Aaron),
The principles and practice of dental surgery : by Chapin A. Harris.
2d ed. : rev., modified, and greatly enlarged.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1845.
Rare Book Room
226 Haskell, Loomis P.
Art in dentistry : injurious effects of vulcanized rubber and other things to be thought of by those compelled to wear artificial teeth / by L.P. Haskell.
Chicago : WP Dunn 1885.
Rare Book Room
227 Haskell, Loomis P.
Artificial teeth ... / L.P. Haskell.
Chicago : Cushing Printing Company 1894.
Rare Book Room
228 Hayden, H. H.
A reply to dr. C. A. Harris on "Hayden's comments" / H. H. Hayden.
[Baltimore : American Journal of Dental Science 1843?]
Rare Book Room
229 Hayward, Henry, active 18th century.
Conversations on the teeth.
Second edition.
London : Bowdery and Kerby 1835.
Rare Book Room
230 Heath, Christopher, 1835-1905.
Injuries and diseases of the jaws / by Christopher Heath.
London : Churchill 1868.
Rare Book Room
231 Heath, Christopher, 1835-1905.
Lectures on certain diseases of the jaws / by Christopher Heath.
Philadelphia : Blakiston 1888.
Rare Book Room
232 Hébert, J. A.
Le citoyen dentiste, ou l'art de seconder la nature pour se conserver les dents, et les entretenir propres. Ouvrage moderne, & à la portée de tout le monde. Par m. Hebert ...
Lyon, Chez L Rosset et chez l'auteur 1778.
Rare Book Room
233 Hénoque, Jean Baptiste Bernard.
Esculape et Thémis; ou, Les dentistes au XIX siècle.
Paris, Coulon-Pineau 1854.
Rare Book Room
234 Hitchcock, David K.
Preservation of the teeth : a family guide, being familiar observations on their structure and diseases ; with practical illustrations and engravings ; embracing the modern improvements in dentistry / by David K. Hitchcock.
Boston : New York : Gould Newman and Saxton; Ives and Dennet 1840.
Rare Book Room
235 Hodges, Richard Manning, 1827-1896.
A narrative of events conected with the introduction of sulphuric ether into surgical use. By Richard Manning Hodges ...
Boston, Little Brown and company 1891.
Rare Book Room
236 Hornor, S. Stockton.
The medical student's guide in extracting teeth : with numerous cases in the surgical branch of dentistry /by S. S. Hornor.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1851.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
237 Hornor, S. Stockton.
The medical student's guide in extracting teeth : with numerous cases in the surgical branch of dentistry /by S. S. Hornor.
Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston 1851.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
238 Horst, Jakob, 1537-1600.
De aureo dente maxillari pueri Silesii, primum, utrum ejus generatio naturalis fuerit, necne; deinde an digna ejus interpretatio dari queat. Et De noctambulonum natura, differentiis & causis, eorumque tam praeservativa quam etiam curativa, denuo auctus liber ...
Lipsiae Imprimebat Michael Lantzenberger impensis Valentini Voegelini 1595.
Rare Book Room
239 Howard, Thomas.
On the loss of teeth ; and on the best means of restoring them.
London : Simpkin and Marshall 1858.
Rare Book Room
240 Howard, Thomas.
On the loss of teeth and loose teeth; and on the best means of restoring them.
London, Simpkin and Marshall 1860.
Rare Book Room
241 Howard, Thomas.
On the loss of teeth; and on the best means of restoring them / by Thomas Howard, Surgeon Dentist, to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, 17, George Street, Hanover Square, London.
Twenty-sixth edition.
London : Simpkin and Marshall Stationers' Court 1856.
Rare Book Room
242 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
The natural history of the human teeth : explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases ... / by John Hunter ... with notes, by Eleazar Parmley.
New-York : sn 1839.
Rare Book Room
243 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
The natural history of the human teeth : explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases; illustrated with copper plates.
London : printed for J Johnson 1771.
Rare Book Room
244 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
The natural history of the human teeth: explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseasess. Illustrated with copper-plates / by John Hunter.
The 2d ed.
London : J Johnson 1778.
copy 1, pt. 1-2
Rare Book Room
245 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
The natural history of the human teeth: explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseasess. Illustrated with copper-plates / by John Hunter.
The 2d ed.
London : J Johnson 1778.
copy 2, pt. 1-2
Rare Book Room
246 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
The natural history of the human teeth: explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseasess. Illustrated with copper-plates / by John Hunter.
The 2d ed.
London : J Johnson 1778.
copy 3, pt. 1-2
Rare Book Room
247 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
Natürliche Geschichte der Zähne und Beschreibung ihrer Krankheiten ... Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Leipzig, MG Weidmanns Erben und Reich 1780.
Rare Book Room
248 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
Storia naturale dei denti umani. Tradotta dall'inglese da Eleuterio Basile.
Milano, Silvestri 1815.
Rare Book Room
249 Hunter, John, 1728-1793.
Treatise on the natural history and diseases of the human teeth : explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases. In two parts / with notes by Thomas Bell
Philadelphia : Haswell Barrington and Haswell 1839
Rare Book Room
250 Hurlock, Joseph.
A practical treatise upon dentition; or, the breeding of teeth in children: wherein the causes of the acute symptoms arising in that dangerous period are enquired into; the remedies both of the ancients and moderns for the cure of those evils, and the prevention of their fatal effects, are examined impartially; some errors of consequence corrected; objections answered; and a right practice recommended upon observation and experience. The whole illustrated with proper cases and remarks. By Joseph Hurlock ...
London: Printed for the author sold by C Rivington and S Austen etc 1742.
Rare Book Room
251 Imrie, William.
The parents' dental guide ; a treatise on the diseases of the teeth and gums, from infancy to old age; with observations on amalgams, cements, &c. and remarks on the construction of artificial teeth.
London : printed for John Churchill official bookseller and publisher 1834.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
252 Imrie, William.
The parents' dental guide ; a treatise on the diseases of the teeth and gums, from infancy to old age; with observations on amalgams, cements, &c. and remarks on the construction of artificial teeth.
London : printed for John Churchill official bookseller and publisher 1834.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
253 Jackson, Charles T. 1805-1880. (Charles Thomas),
A manual of etherization : containing directions for the employment of ether, chloroform, and other anaesthetic agents by inhalation, in surgical operations, intended for military and naval surgeons, and all who may be exposed to surgical operations; with instructions for the preparation of ether and chloroform, and for testing them for impurities; Comprising, also, a brief history of the discovery of anaesthesia / by Chas. T. Jackson, M.D.
Boston : published for the author by J B Mansfield 1861.
Rare Book Room
254 Jackson, Charles T. 1805-1880. (Charles Thomas),
Protest of Dr. Charles T. Jackson, against the bill providing for the recompense of the discoverer of practical anaesthesia; To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled ... [by] Charles T. Jackson.
Washington [D.C.] 1854.
Rare Book Room
255 James, Benjamin, 1768-1825.
A treatise on the management of the teeth.
Boston : Published by Charles Callender printed by Joseph T Buckingham 1814.
Rare Book Room
256 Jobson, David Wemyss.
Outlines of the anatomy and physiology of the teeth, &c. : their diseases and treatment, with practical observations on artificial teeth / by David Wemyss Jobson.
Edinburgh : London : Dublin : J Cumming; Longman Rees Orme Brown Green & Longman; W Tait 1834.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
257 Jobson, David Wemyss.
Outlines of the anatomy and physiology of the teeth, &c. : their diseases and treatment, with practical observations on artificial teeth / by David Wemyss Jobson.
Edinburgh : London : Dublin : J Cumming; Longman Rees Orme Brown Green & Longman; W Tait 1834.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
258 Jobson, David Wemyss.
A treatise on the anatomy and physiology of the teeth &c., &c., their diseases and treatment : with practical observations on artificial teeth and rules for their construction / by David Wemyss Jobson.
Baltimore : American Society of Dental Surgeons 1844.
Rare Book Room
259 Jobson, David Wemyss.
A treatise on the anatomy and physiology of the teeth : &c &c their diseases and treatment : with practical observations on artificial teeth, and rules for their construction / by David Wemyss Jobson.
2nd ed.
London : Sherwood Gilbert and Piper 1835.
Rare Book Room
260 Jones, Alfred Barron.
Observations on the diseases and loss of the teeth, and the various means of supplying their deficiency ; and on defects in the palate, and their treatment.
London : S Highley and Son 1853.
Rare Book Room
261 Jourdain, M. 1734-1816. (Anselme Louis Bernard Bréchillet),
Nouveaux elemens d'odontalgie / par M. Jourdain.
A Paris : Chez Guillaume Desprez 1756.
Rare Book Room
262 Jourdain, M. 1734-1816. (Anselme Louis Bernard Bréchillet),
Traité des maladies et des opérations réellement chirurgicales de la bouche, et des parties qui y correspondent: suivi de notes, d'observations & de consultations intéressantes, tant anciennes que modernes ...
Paris, Valleyre l'aîné 1778.
t. 1-2
Rare Book Room
263 Jourdain, M. 1734-1816. (Anselme Louis Bernard Bréchillet),
A treatise on the diseases and surgical operations of the mouth, and parts adjacent: with notes of interesting cases, ancient and modern. Tr. from the French of M. Jourdain.
Baltimore : published by the American Society of Dental Surgeons John W Wood printer 1849.
Rare Book Room
264 Jourdain, M. 1734-1816. (Anselme Louis Bernard Bréchillet),
A treatise on the diseases and surgical operations of the mouth, and parts adjacent; with notes on interesting cases, ancient and modern.
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston 1851.
Rare Book Room
265 Jourdan.
Le manuel de l'art du dentiste, ou, L'État actuel des decouvertes modernes sur la dentition : les moyens de conserver les dents en bon état : les mécaniques nouvelles inventées par M. Maggiolo ; et tous les détails pratiques et moyens d'execution des dents artificielles, etc. : ouvrage composé, rédigé & publié / par M. Jourdan & M. Maggiolo.
Édition originale, enrichie de 5 gravures.
Nancy : The Authors 1807.
Rare Book Room
266 Kamienski, Joannes.
Dissertatio inauguralis medico-chirurgico-practica de odontalgia quam in caesarea litterarum universitate vilnensi consentiente inclyto medicorum ordine ad consequenda doctoris medicinae jura et honores / publicae disquisitioni submittit Joannes Kamienski ...
Vilnae : Typis dioecesanis ad ecclesiam s casimiri congregationis missionis [1824]
Rare Book Room
267 Kelley, E. G.
A popular treatise on the human teeth and dental surgery; being a practical guide for the early management of the health and teeth of children, the preservation of the adult teeth, causes of their diseases, and means of cure, with brief observations on artificial teeth.
Boston : Newburyport : AA Call; Munroe 1843.
Rare Book Room
268 Klencke, H.
Die Verderbniss der Zähne / von H. Klencke.
Leipzig : JJ Weber 1850.
Rare Book Room
269 Koecker, Leonard, 1785-1850.
An essay on artificial teeth, obturators, & palates, with the principles for their construction and application.
London, Highley 1835.
Rare Book Room
270 Koecker, Leonard, 1785-1850.
An essay on the diseases of the jaws, and their treatment; with observations on the amputation of a part or the whole of the inferior maxilla; tending to prove that such operation is seldom, if ever, necessary.
London : Philadelphia : HC Carey & T Lea; T & G Underwood 1828.
Rare Book Room
271 Koecker, Leonard, 1785-1850.
Principles of dental surgery : exhibiting a new method of treating the diseases of the teeth and gums : especially calculated to promote their health and beauty : accompanied by a general view of the present state of dental surgery : with occasional references, to the more prevalent abuses of the art, in two parts / by Leonard Koecker.
London : Printed for Messrs Thomas & George Underwood 1826.
Rare Book Room
272 Koecker, Leonard, 1785-1850.
Principles of dental surgery; exhibiting a new method of treating the diseases of the teeth and gums; especially calculated to promote their health and beauty; accompanied by a general view of the present state of dental surgery, with occasional references to the more prevalent abuses of the art.
Baltimore, American Society of Dental Surgeons 1842.
Rare Book Room
273 Laforgue, L. (Louis)
L'art du dentiste; ou, Manuel des opérations de chirurgie qui se pratiquent sur les dents et de tout ce que les dentistes font en dents artificielles, obturateurs et palais artificiels ...
Paris : Gabon; Méquignon; Barois jeune; Crouillebois; L'Auteur 1802.
Rare Book Room
274 Laforgue, L. (Louis)
Dissertation sur l'art de conserver les dents, ou instruction de ce qu'il est nécessaire que chacun connoisse pour se les conserver / par L. La Forgue.
2nde ed.
Paris : chez l'Auteur [1802]
Rare Book Room
275 Land, Charles Henry, 1847-1922.
The scientific adaptation of artificial dentures. By C. H. Land.
Detroit [Mich.] C H Land 1885.
Rare Book Room
276 Larini, Giuseppe.
Trattato sopra la qualità de' denti...
Firenze : Nella Stamperia di Piero Matini 1740.
Rare Book Room
277 Lefoulon, J. 1800- (Joachim),
A new treatise on the theory and practice of dental surgery. By J. Lefoulon... Tr. from the French, for the American Library of Dental Science, by Thomas E. Bond, Jr. ...
Baltimore, American Society of Dental Surgeons 1844.
Rare Book Room
278 Lefoulon, J. 1800- (Joachim),
Nouveau traité théorique et pratique de l'art du dentiste / par J. Lefoulon.
Paris : Fortin Masson; Chamerot 1841.
Rare Book Room
279 Lemaire, Joseph Jean François, 1782-1834.
Le dentiste des dames / par Joseph Le Maire...
Seconde édition, ornée de quatre gravures en taille-douce, et du portrait de l'auteur; revue, corrigée, et augmentée d'un formulaire pharmaceutique extrait des meilleurs ouvrages, et relatif aux différens [sic] remèdes qu'on doit employer pour
A Paris : Chez l'auteur quai de Conti n⁰ 3 au coin de la rue Thionville 1818.
Rare Book Room
280 Lemaire, Joseph Jean François, 1782-1834.
Le dentiste des dames / par le chevalier Le Maire (de Mayenne)
Nouv. éd.
Paris : Chez l'auteur 1833.
Rare Book Room
281 Lemaire, Joseph Jean François, 1782-1834.
Le dentiste des dames.
Paris : Janet et Cotelle; Foucault 1812.
Rare Book Room
282 Lennmalm, Herman.
World's history and review of dentistry / edited, compiled and revised by Herman Lennmalm from the most reliable and authentic resources available ; a compendium of facts and historical data regarding the dental profession.
Chicago : W B Conkey 1894.
Rare Book Room
283 Leroy de La Faudignère, d. 1786.
Manière de prévenir et guérir les maladies des gencives et des dents, par Leroy de la Faudignère, précédée d'un avis sur son élixir odontalgique, dont il n'a transmis la recette qu'a sa fille, épouse de Duval.
Paris, Belin 1806.
Rare Book Room
284 Levison, J. L.
Practical observations on the teeth and gums : with the best means for their preservation.
2nd ed.
London : Printed for Longman & Co and sold by all other booksellers 1838
Rare Book Room
285 Levison, J. L.
Practical observations on the teeth and gums : with the best mode for their preservation / by I.L. Levison.
London : Hamilton Adams and Co; Printed for Longman Rees Orme Brown and Green 1826.
Rare Book Room
286 Lécluse, Louis, 1711-1792.
Nouveaux élémens d'odontologie ; contenant L'Anatomie de la Bouch; ou la description de toutes les parties qui l composent, & de leur usage; & la Pratique abregée du dentiste, avec plufieurs observations / par M. Lecluse.
Paris : chez Delaguette Imprimeur de Collége & de l'Académie Raoyle de Chirurgie 1754.
Rare Book Room
287 Liébault, Jean, approximately 1535-1596.
Trois livres de l'embellissement et ornement dv corps humain / Pris du latin de M. Iean Liebavi Docteur medecin à Paris & faict François.
Paris : Chez Jacques du Puys 1582.
Rare Book Room
288 Linderer, C. J., d. 1840.
Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde ... von C. J. Linderer sen. und Joseph Linderer.
2. verm. und veränderte Aufl. von J. Linderer.
Berlin, Schlesinger 1842-48.
Bd. 2
Rare Book Room
289 Linn, S. H.
The teeth : how to preserve them and prevent their decay; A popular treatise on the diseases and care of the teeth.
London : Charles Griffin and company [1882]
Rare Book Room
290 Lintott, William.
On the structure, economy, and pathology of the human teeth, with careful instructions for their preservation and culture, and concise descriptions of the best modes of surgical treatment, equally adapted to the uses of the medical practitioner, the student in medicine, and of the public ; with upwards of forty illustrations.
London : John Churchill 1841.
Rare Book Room
291 Litch, Wilbur F.
Anæsthesia and anæsthetics / by Wilbur F. Litch.
[Philadelphia : Lea 1887?]
Rare Book Room
292 Longbothom, B. T.
A treatise on dentistry, explaining the diseases of the teeth and gums, with the most effectual means of prevention and remedy : to which is added, Dentition; with rules to be observed during that interesting period.
Baltimore : printed by Prentiss and Cole 1802.
Rare Book Room
293 Ludovico, A.
A review of the scandalous and impertinent Beale pamphlet, written by a rude author / by A. Ludovico.
Philadelphia [Pa.] : For sale wholesale and retail by TR Chandler 1855.
Rare Book Room
294 Lukyn, Edward.
Dental surgery and mechanism : a popular treatise on the preservation, management, and surgical treatment of the teeth and gums : with the most modern and improved modes of supplying the loss of teeth / by Edward Lukyn.
London : Printed for the author by Mann Nephews 1862.
Rare Book Room
295 Lukyn, Edward.
Dental surgery and mechanism : a popular treatise on the preservation, management, and surgical treatment of the teeth and gums : with the most modern and improved modes of supplying the loss of teeth / by Edward Lukyn.
2nd ed.
London : Printed for the author by Mann Nephews 1870.
Rare Book Room
296 Maclean, R.
A treatise on the progress and shedding of the human teeth, to their completion in a permanent state : on the most prevalent causes of their irregularity and decay; and on the means most appropriate to their preservation; To which are added, several illustrative plates, and copious explanatory notes / by R. Maclean.
London, Longman Rees Orme Brown Green and Longman 1836.
Rare Book Room
297 Maessen, Alexander van der
Ueber die Nothwendigkeit der Sorgsalt für Zahnfleisch und Zähne und über die Mittel sie gesund zu erhalten / von Alexander van der Maessen.
Gotha : sn 1800.
Rare Book Room
298 Mallan, John.
Practical observations on the physiology and diseases of the teeth / by John Mallan.
London : Printed for the author and sold by A Schloss 1835.
Rare Book Room
299 Manley, Thomas H. 1851-1905. (Thomas Henry),
Local anaesthetics and cocaine analgaesia : their uses and limitations / by Thomas H. Manley.
St. Louis : J H Chambers 1894.
Rare Book Room
300 Mann, Daniel.
Treatise on the preservation of the teeth : for the use of families / by Daniel Mann.
[S.l. : sn 1838?]
Rare Book Room
301 Marsh, Othniel Charles, 1831-1899.
Odontornithes : a monograph on the extinct toothed birds of North America : with thirty-four plates and forty woodcuts / by Othniel Charles Marsh.
Washington : GPO 1880.
Rare Book Room
302 Martin, Barthélemy, 1629-1698?
Dissertation sur les dents. Par B. Martin.
Paris, Chez D Thierry 1679.
Rare Book Room
303 Mayhew, Horace, 1816-1872.
The tooth-ache / imagined by Horace Mayhew ; and realized by George Cruikshank.
[London] : D Bogue [1849]
Rare Book Room
304 Miller, H. James.
L'odontotechnie; ou, L'art de préserver, de guérir, de restaurer et de remplacer les dents.
Paris, 1891.
Rare Book Room
305 Miller, W. D. 1853-1907. (Willoughby Dayton),
The micro-organisms of the human mouth ; the local and general diseases which are caused by them / by Willoughby D. Miller ; with one hundred and twenty-eight illustrations, one chromo-lighographic and two photomicrographic plates.
Philadelphia : The SS White Dental Mfg Co 1890.
Rare Book Room
306 Mississippi Valley Association of Dental Surgeons.
Proceedings of a convention of professional dentists, held August 13th and 14th in Cincinnati 1844.
[S.l.] : Shepard & Co [1844?].
Rare Book Room
307 Morgan, J.
Dangers of chloroform and the safety and efficiency of ether, as an agent in securing the aviodance of pain in surgical operations; with a description of an ether inhaler and the mode of administration.
London, Bailleère 1872.
Rare Book Room
308 Mortimer, William Henry.
Observations on the growth and irregularities of children's teeth; followed by remarks and advice on the teeth in general, to which is added a short essay on artificial teeth.
2d ed., rev.
London, Highley 1845.
Rare Book Room
309 Morton, W. T. G. 1819-1868. (William Thomas Green),
On the loss of the teeth, and the modern way of restoring them, as practised by W.T.G. Morton.
2nd ed. of ten thousand copies.
Boston : Printed by William A Hall 1848.
Rare Book Room
310 Morton, W. T. G. 1819-1868. (William Thomas Green),
On the physiological effects of sulphuric ether, and its superiority to chloroform.
Boston, Clapp 1850.
Rare Book Room
311 Morton, W. T. G. 1819-1868. (William Thomas Green),
Statements, supported by evidence, of Wm. T. G. Morton, M. D., on his claim to the discovery of the anaesthetic properties of ether, submitted to the honorable the Select Committee appointed by the Senate of the United States; 32d Congress, 2d session, January 21, 1853.
Washington, 1853.
Rare Book Room
312 Mosely, Ephraim.
Teeth, their natural history : with the physiology of the human mouth in regard to artificial teeth / by Ephraim Mosely.
London : Robert Hardwicke 1862.
Rare Book Room
313 Mouton, Claude, -1786.
Essay d'odontotechnie, ou, Dissertation sur les dents artificielles : où l'on démontre que leur usage n'est ni moins commode, ni moins étendu, que celui des dents naturelles / par M. mouton.
Paris : Chez Antoine Boudet 1746.
Rare Book Room
314 Murphy, Joseph L.
Popular treatise on the structure, diseases, and treatment of the human teeth : with an illustration of the present state of dental mechanism / by J.L. Murphy ; twelve fine engravings.
London : Whittaker 1837.
Rare Book Room
315 Murphy, Joseph.
A natural history of the human teeth, with a treatise on their diseases from infancy to old age, adapted for general information; to which are added, observations on the physiognomy of the teeth, and of the projecting chin.
London, Callow 1811.
Rare Book Room
316 Müller, Adolphus Adalbertus, b. 1806
De dentitione prima : dissertatio inauguralis medica, quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in Univeritate Literaria Berolinensi... / auctor Adolph. Adalbertus Müller.
Berolini : Literis Augusti Petschii [1828]
Rare Book Room
317 Nasmyth, Alexander, 1789-1849.
On the human mouth / by Alexander Nasmyth.
London : J Churchill 1846.
Rare Book Room
318 Nasmyth, Alexander, 1789-1849.
Report of a paper on the cellular structure of the ivory, enamel, and pulp of the teeth, as well as of the epithelium, and on some other interesting points of odontology : read at the ninth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Birmingham, in August 1839 / by A. Nasmyth.
London : R and JE Taylor [1839].
Rare Book Room
319 Nasmyth, Alexander, 1789-1849.
Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the teeth / by Alexander Nasmyth.
London : John Churchill 1849.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
320 Nasmyth, Alexander, 1789-1849.
Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the teeth / by Alexander Nasmyth.
London : John Churchill 1849.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
321 Nasmyth, Alexander.
Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the teeth.
London, Churchill 1839.
Rare Book Room
322 Nasmyth, Alexander.
Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the teeth.
Baltimore : published by The American Society of Dental Surgeons 1842.
Rare Book Room
323 Nasmyth, Alexander.
Three memoirs on the development and structure of the teeth and epithelium, read at the ninth annual meeting of the British Association for the Encouragement of Science, Held at Birmingham, in August, 1839 ; with diagrams exhibited in illustrations of them.
London : John Churchill 1841.
Rare Book Room
324 National Association of Dental Faculties.
History of the National Association of Dental Faculties (United States) with constitution and codified by-laws, 1893.
[S. l.] : The Association 1893.
Rare Book Room
325 Nessel, Franz, 1803-1876
Compendium der Zahnheilkunde.
Wien, Braumüller 1856.
Rare Book Room
326 Nessel, Franz, 1803-1876.
Über die Pflege der Zähne, von Franz Nessel.
Prag, JG Calve'sche 1843.
Rare Book Room
327 Nevius, Laird W.
The discovery of modern anæsthesia: by whom was it made? : a brief statement of facts / by Laird W. Nevius.
[New York, GW Nevius 1894]
copy 1
Rare Book Room
328 Nevius, Laird W.
The discovery of modern anæsthesia: by whom was it made? : a brief statement of facts / by Laird W. Nevius.
[New York, GW Nevius 1894]
copy 2
Rare Book Room
329 Nicholles, John.
The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice, and health : being the result of twenty years' practical experience and assiduous study, to produce the full development and perfect regularity of those essential organs.
Second edition.
London : Published by Hamilton Adams and co 1834.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
330 Nicholles, John.
The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice, and health : being the result of twenty years' practical experience and assiduous study, to produce the full development and perfect regularity of those essential organs.
Second edition.
London : Published by Hamilton Adams and co 1834.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
331 Nicholles, John.
The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice, and health : being the result of twenty years' practical experience and assiduous study, to produce the full development and perfect regularity of those essential organs.
Second edition.
London : Published by Hamilton Adams and co 1834.
copy 3
Rare Book Room
332 North, Gustavus.
Questions and answers on dental pathology, and therapeutics, dental embryology, hygiene, and care of children's teeth.
[Cedar Rapids? Iowa] 1891.
Rare Book Room
333 Oudet, J.-E. 1790-1868. (Jean-Étienne),
De l'accroissement continu des incisives chez les rongeurs : et de leur reproduction : considérés sous le rapport de leur application à l'étude de l'anatomie comparative des dents : précédés de recherches nouvelles sur l'origine et le développement des follicules dentaires / J.-E. Oudet
Paris : Londres : Chez H Ballière; Chez JB Ballière 1850.
Rare Book Room
334 Owen, Richard, 1804-1892.
Odontography ; or, A treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth; their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in the vertebrate animals / by Richard Owen.
London, Paris : Leipzig : TO Weigel; JB Baillière Libraire de l'Académie de Médecin; Hippolyte Baillière 1840-1845.
v. 1-2
Rare Book Room
335 Palmer, Thomas, Dentist.
The dental adviser : a treatise on the nature, diseases and management of the teeth, mouth, gums &c. / by Thomas Palmer.
Fitchburg : The author 1853.
Rare Book Room
336 Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590.
Les oeuvres d'Ambroise Paré ...
9. ed. Rev. et corr. en plusieurs endroits, & augm. d'un fort ample Traicté des fiévres, tant en general qu'en particulier, & de la curation d'icelles, nouvellement trouvé dans les manuscripts de l'autheur: avec les portraicts & figures, tant de l'
Lyon, La Vefve de Claude Rigaud et Claude Obert 1633.
Rare Book Room
337 Parker, Samuel A.
On the performance of operations on the teeth without pain, and on some recent methods of preserving and restoring the teeth / by Samuel A. Parker.
Birmingham : Cornish [1857]
Rare Book Room
338 Parmly, Eleazar, 1797-1874.
An essay on the disorders and treatment of the teeth.
3d ed.
New York : London : T and G Underwood; Durell 1822.
Rare Book Room
339 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
Lectures on the natural history and management of the teeth : the cause of their decay, the art of preventing its accession, and various operations never hitherto suggested for the preservation of such teeth as it is too frequently considered necessary to extract.
London : published for the author by Burgess and Hill 1820.
Rare Book Room
340 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
Lectures on the natural history and management of the teeth ; the cause of their decay; the art of preventing its accession; and various operations, never hitherto suggested, for the preservation of such teeth as it is too frequently considered necessary to extract.
New-York : Published for the author by Kirk and Mercein Broderick & Ritter printers 1820.
Rare Book Room
341 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
A practical guide to the management of the teeth; comprising a discovery of the origin of caries, or decay of the teeth, with its prevention and cure ...
Philadelphia, Collins & Croft JRA Skerrett printer 1819.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
342 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
A practical guide to the management of the teeth; comprising a discovery of the origin of caries, or decay of the teeth, with its prevention and cure ...
Philadelphia, Collins & Croft JRA Skerrett printer 1819.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
343 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
A practical guide to the management of the teeth; comprising a discovery of the origin of caries, or decay of the teeth.
London, Printed for the author and sold by JM Richarson T and G Underwood and John Callow 1818.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
344 Parmly, Levi Spear, 1790-1859.
A practical guide to the management of the teeth; comprising a discovery of the origin of caries, or decay of the teeth.
London, Printed for the author and sold by JM Richarson T and G Underwood and John Callow 1818.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
345 Pennsylvania Association of Dental Surgeons.
Golden anniversary of the Pennsylvania Association of Dental Surgeons, December 16th, 1845 ... December 16th, 1895.
[Philadelphia?] : Johnson & Lund [1895?]
Rare Book Room
346 Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery.
Forty-first annual commencement : Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery : Academy of Music, Thursday, April 1, 1897, 8 P.M.
[Philadelphia : The College 1897]
Rare Book Room
347 Pfaff, Philipp, 1711 or 2-1766.
Abhandlung von den Zähnen des menschlichen Körpers.
Berlin, 1756.
Rare Book Room
348 Pfeffermann, P.
Fassliche Darstellung der gesammten Zahnheilkunde nach dem neuesten Standpunkte. Nebst einer kurzgefassten gerichtlichen Zahnheilkunde und einer Beigabe: "Ueber Anwendung des Elektromagnetismus" zu Heilzwecken.
Erlangen, Enke 1862.
Rare Book Room
349 Philadelphia College of Dental Surgery.
Annual announcement of the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgery : session ...
Philadelphia : TK and PG Collins 1854?-
3rd-4th (1854/5-1855/6)
Rare Book Room
350 Philadelphia Dental College.
Annual announcement of the Philadelphia Dental College ... : session of ...
Philadelphia : HB Ashmead 1869?-
7th, 11th-18th (1869/70, 1873/74-1880/81)
Rare Book Room
351 Pietkiewicz, V. 1844- (Valerien),
De la périostite alvéolo-dentaire.
Paris, G Masson 1876.
Rare Book Room
352 Planer, Andreas, active 1685-1686.
Authoritate et consensu gratiosae facultatis medicae almae Eberhardinae, praeside ... Georgio Balthasare Metzgero ... Anatomen dentium human. / publico ac solenni examini submittit Andreas Planer ... ad diem 26. Sept. anno MDCLXXXV ...
Tubingae : Typis Martini Rommeii [1685]
Rare Book Room
353 Plenck, Joseph Jacob, Ritter von, 1738-1807.
De' morbi de' denti e delle gengie / dottrina del celeb. professore Gioseffo Jacopo Plenck ...
2. ed.
In Venezia : Appresso Francesco di Niccolò Pezzana 1786.
Rare Book Room
354 Plenck, Joseph Jacob, Ritter von, 1738-1807.
Doctrina de morbis dentium ac gingivarum.
Viennae : R Græffer 1778.
Rare Book Room
355 Preston, Hiram.
Hints for the multitude relative to the teeth / by Hiram Preston.
Hartford : Press of the Fountain 1848.
Rare Book Room
356 Quesnay, François, 1694-1774.
Recherches critiques et historiques sur l'origine, sur les divers etats et sur les progrès de la chirurgie en France.
Paris, C Osmont 1744.
Rare Book Room
357 Ramsay, Robert.
The mechanical treatment of deformities of the mouth, congenital and accidental / by Robert Ramsay and James Oakley Coles.
London : John Churchill & Sons 1868.
Rare Book Room
358 Ricci, surgeon.
Mémoire sur les dents raciformes ou racisubériques : nouvelle méthode d'implanter les dents a pivot ... / par M. Ricci.
A Paris : l'Auteur; LG Michaud 1816.
Rare Book Room
359 Rice, Nathan P.
Trials of a public benefactor, as illustrated in the discovery of etherization.
New York, Pudney & Russell 1859.
Rare Book Room
360 Richardson, Benjamin Ward, 1828-1896.
On the medical history and treatment of diseases of the teeth, and the adjacent structures.
London, Baillière 1860.
Rare Book Room
361 Robertson, Abraham.
A manual on extracting teeth ... By Abraham Robertson ...
Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston 1863.
Rare Book Room
362 Robertson, Abraham.
A manual on extracting teeth ; founded on the antomy of the parts involved in the operation: the kinds and proper construction of the instruments to be used; the accidents liable to occur from the operation, and the proper remedies to retrieve such accidents / by Abraham Robertson.
2d ed.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1868.
Rare Book Room
363 Robertson, William.
A practical treatise on the diseases of the teeth, in which the origin and nature of decay are explained ; and the means of prevention pointed out / by William Robertson; With plates illustrating the author's view.
London : Birmingham : J Belcher; Longman Rees Orme Brown Green & Longman 1835.
Rare Book Room
364 Robertson, William.
A practical treatise on the human teeth : showing the causes of their destruction, and the means of their preservation.
Second edition.
London : Hayward and Moore 1839.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
365 Robertson, William.
A practical treatise on the human teeth : showing the causes of their destruction, and the means of their preservation.
Second edition.
London : Hayward and Moore 1839.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
366 Robertson, William.
A practical treatise on the human teeth; showing the causes of their destruction, and the means of their preservation.
1st Amer. from the 2d London ed.
Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard 1841.
Rare Book Room
367 Rogers, William, dentist.
La buccomancie ; ou, L'art de connaître le passé, le présent et l'avenir d'une personne, d'après l'inspection de sa bouche. Nouveau système buccognomonique, basé sur la doctrine des plus célèbres physiognomonistes, et principalement sur la découverte d'un alphabet buccal, c'est-à-dire sur les signes caractéristiques et révélateura de la bouche humaine, par William Rogers ...
Paris, G Baillière etc etc 1851.
Rare Book Room
368 Rogers, William, dentist.
Manuel d'hygiène dentaire a l'usuge de toutes les classes et professions / par William Rogers.
Paris : Chez l'auteur 1845.
Rare Book Room
369 Rousseau, Louis Francois Emmanuel, 1788-1868.
Anatomie comparée du système dentaire : chez l'homme et chez les principaux animaux / par L.F. Emmanuel Rousseau.
nouvelle ed.
A Paris : A Londres : Même Maison; J-B Baillière 1839.
Rare Book Room
370 Rousseau, Louis François Emmanuel, 1788-1868.
Anatomie comparée du système dentaire chez l'homme et chez les principaux animaux.
Paris, Belin 1827.
Rare Book Room
371 Rowell, Charles S.
A manual of dental economy ; or practical instruction on the physiology and treatment of teeth, in order to check their diseases, repair their injuries, and insure their preservation.
New York : Charles Scribner 1855.
Rare Book Room
372 Ruspini, Bartholomew, 1728-1813.
A treatise on the teeth : wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given : the cause of their decay pointed out and : their various diseases enumerated. To which is added, the most effectual method of treating the disorders of the teeth and gums, established by a long and successful practice / by Barth. Ruspini.
4th ed.
London : Printed for the author [1775?]
Rare Book Room
373 Ruspini, Bartholomew, 1728-1813.
A treatise on the teeth : wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given : the cause of their decay pointed out and their various diseases enumerated : to which is added, the most effectual method of treating the disorders of the teeth and gums, established by a long and successful practice / by Barth. Ruspini.
A new ed. with an appendix of new cases.
London : Printed for the author 1779.
Rare Book Room
374 Ruspini, Bartholomew, 1728-1813.
A treatise on the teeth : wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given, tha cause of their decay pointed out, and their various diseases enumerated ... / by the chavelier Ruspini.
8th ed. / In this treatise, the Chevalier Ruspini has added an account of his extraordinary balsamic styptic solution, with a list of the letters which he has received ... testifying to its good effects.
London : The author etc 1797.
Rare Book Room
375 Ruspini, Bartholomew, 1728-1813.
A treatise on the teeth : wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given, the cause of their decay pointed out and their various diseases enumerated, to which is added, the most effectual method of treating the disorders of the teeth and gums, established by a long and successful practice / by Barth. Ruspini.
2nd ed.
London : Printed for the author [1771?].
Rare Book Room
376 Ryff, Walther Hermann, -1548.
New gross Distillier-Büch : wolgegründter künstlicher Distillation ... Underweisung und Bericht, die fürnembste distillierte Wasser, kostliche Aquas vitae, Quintam Essentiam, heylsame Öl, Balsam, und dergleichen vil gůter Abzüg ...
Franckfurt : Christian Egenolff [1556]
Rare Book Room
377 Samuel S. White (Firm).
Catalogue of dental materials, furniture, instruments, etc. for sale / by Samuel S. White.
Philadelphia : The Firm 1877.
Rare Book Room
378 Sansom, Arthur Ernest, 1839-1907.
Chloroform : its action and administration.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1866.
Rare Book Room
379 Saunders, Edwin, 1814-1901.
The teeth a test of age : considered with reference to the factory children / by Edwin Saunders.
London : H Renshaw 1837.
Rare Book Room
380 Saunders, Edwin, Sir, 1814-1901.
Advice on the care of the teeth.
London, Ward 1837.
Rare Book Room
381 Saunders, Edwin.
Five minutes' advice on the care of the teeth ... / [Edwin Saunders].
3rd ed.
London : Renshaw and Rush 1832.
Rare Book Room
382 Scardovi, Ludovicus.
Dissertatio inauguralis medica de dentibus anatomice ac physiologice consideratis ...
Erfordiae : Litteris Nonnianis 1785.
Rare Book Room
383 Schange, J. M. A. 1807- (J. M. Alexis),
Précis sur le redressement des dents, ou, Exposé des moyens rationnels de prévenir et de corriger des déviations des dents; suivi de quelques réflexions sur les obturateurs du palais / par J.M.A. Schange.
2d. éd.
Paris : Béchet Jne et Labé 1842.
Rare Book Room
384 Schange, J. M. A. b. 1807- (J. M. Alexis)
Précis sur le redressement des dents, ou exposé des moyens rationnels de prévenir et de corriger les déviations des dents ; suivi de quelques réflexions sur les obturateurs du palais.
Paris : Béchet Jne et Labé 1841.
Rare Book Room
385 Schange, J. M. Alexis, b. 1807.
Précis sur le redressement des dents; ou, Exposé des moyens rationnels de prévenir et de corriger les déviations des dents; suivi de quelques réflexions sur les obturateurs du palais.
3. éd.
Paris, Béchet et Labé 1842.
Rare Book Room
386 Schäffer, Jacob Christian, 1718-1790.
Die eingebildeten Würmer in Zähnen nebst dem vermeyntlichen Hülfsmittel wider dieselben, beschrieben und untersuchet von Jacob Christian Schaf̈fer ... Nebst einer Kupfertafel in Farben.
Regensburg, Gedruckt bey den Gebrudern Zunkel 1757.
Rare Book Room
387 Schmidt, J.
Rathgeber bei Zahnleiden, oder Repertorium der bewährtesten Mittel, nicht nur zie Zähne schön und gesund zu erhalten, sondern auch den, aus krankhaften Zuständen oder Vernachlȧssigung Athem, Aussfallen zer Zähne, u.s.w., vorzubeugen. Für Zahnärzte und Laien, von J. Schmidt.
Leipzig, Fest'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1844.
Rare Book Room
388 Scott, Joseph.
The art of preventing the loss of the teeth ; with instructions calculated to enable medical practitioners, heads of families, and others travelling or residing in distant parts, to adopt the author's practice of treating the diseases of the teeth and gums; including the stopping of decayed teeth, and curing the tooth-ache by the use of the anodyne cement; etc., etc.
London : printed for the author published by W Simpkin and R Marshall 1831.
Rare Book Room
389 Scultetus, Johannes, 1595-1645.
Kheiroplothēkē seu D. Joannis Sculteti ... Armamentarium chirurgicum XLIII. tabulis aeri elegantissimè incisis, nec ante hac visis, exornatum. Opus posthumum, medicinae pariter ac chirurgiae studiosis perutile & necessarium, in quo tot, tam veterum ac recentiorum instrumenta ab authore correcta, quàm noviter ab ipso inventa, quot ferè hodiè ad usitatas operationes manuales feliciter peragendas requiruntur, depicta reperiuntur, cum annexa brevi tabularum descriptione, & sequentibus cautionibus ac curationibus chirurgico-medicis per omnes ferè corporis humanae partes externas observatis. Cum triplici instrumentorum, curationum, rerumque memorabilium indice.
Hagae-Comitum [The Hague] : Ex officina Adriani Vlacq 1656.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
390 Scultetus, Johannes, 1595-1645.
Kheiroplothēkē seu D. Joannis Sculteti ... Armamentarium chirurgicum XLIII. tabulis aeri elegantissimè incisis, nec ante hac visis, exornatum. Opus posthumum, medicinae pariter ac chirurgiae studiosis perutile & necessarium, in quo tot, tam veterum ac recentiorum instrumenta ab authore correcta, quàm noviter ab ipso inventa, quot ferè hodiè ad usitatas operationes manuales feliciter peragendas requiruntur, depicta reperiuntur, cum annexa brevi tabularum descriptione, & sequentibus cautionibus ac curationibus chirurgico-medicis per omnes ferè corporis humanae partes externas observatis. Cum triplici instrumentorum, curationum, rerumque memorabilium indice.
Hagae-Comitum [The Hague] : Ex officina Adriani Vlacq 1656.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
391 Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637.
The art of chirurgery, explained : in six parts ... Being the whol [sic] fifth book of Practical physick / by D. Sennertus, Nicholas Culpeper, Abdiah Cole, and R.W. [i.e. William Rowland?].
London : P Cole & E Cole 1661.
Rare Book Room
392 Serres, Etienne Renaud Augustin, 1786-1868.
Essai sur l'anatomie et la physiologie des dents, ou nouvelle théorie de la dentition.
Paris : Chez Méquignon-Marvis 1817.
Rare Book Room
393 Sharpey, William, 1802-1880.
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de ventriculi carcinomate ...
Edinburgh : J Moir 1823.
Rare Book Room
394 Simon, Paul, dentist.
Études sur la chirurgie dentaire ; observations sur la première et deuxième dentition; Théorie sur les déviations des dents chez les enfants / par M. Paul Simon.
En Vente : Librairie du Petit journal 1867.
Rare Book Room
395 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
Account of a new anaesthetic agent : as a substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery and midwifery / by J. Y. Simpson...
[American reprint].
New York : Republished by Rushton Clark & Co 1848.
Rare Book Room
396 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
An account of a new anaesthetic agent, as a substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery and midwifery, by J.Y. Simpson.
2d American ed.
New York, Rushton Clark 1848.
Rare Book Room
397 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
An account of a new anaesthetic agent, as a substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery and midwifery.
3d American ed.
New York, Rushton Clark 1848.
Rare Book Room
398 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
Anaesthesia, hospitalism, hermaphroditism, and a proposal to stamp out small-pox and other contagious diseases / by Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart ; Edited by Sir W.G. Simpson, bart.
Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black 1871.
Rare Book Room
399 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
Anaesthesia, hospitalism, hermaphroditism, and a proposal to stamp out small-pox and other contagious diseases. By Sir James Y. Simpson ... Ed. by Sir W.G. Simpson, bart. ...
New York, D Appleton and Company 1872.
Rare Book Room
400 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
Anaesthesia, or the employment of chloroform and ether in surgery, midwifery, etc., by J. Y. Simpson ...
Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston 1849.
Rare Book Room
401 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
History of modern anaesthetics; a second letter to Dr. Jacob Bigelow, by Sir J. Y. Simpson, bart.
Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas 1870.
Rare Book Room
402 Simpson, James Young, 1811-1870.
Remarks on the superinduction of anaesthesia in natural and morbid parturition: with cases illustrative of the use and effects of chloroform in obstetric practice. By J. Y. Simpson ... With an appendix.
Boston, W B Little & co 1848.
Rare Book Room
403 Skinner, Richard C.
A treatise on the human teeth, concisely explaining their structure, and cause of disease and decay ... By R.C. Skinner ...
Printed by Johnson & Stryker for the author New York,
Rare Book Room
404 Smith, Mayo G.
A brief treatise on the use of chloroform in dental and surgical operations / by Mayo G. Smith.
Boston : sold by the principle booksellers in the U States 1849.
Rare Book Room
405 Smith, Mayo G.
A popular treatise on the teeth : containing a history of the dental art, with anatomical descriptions of the mouth and its appendages, and acounts of chemical and physilogical experiments on the teeth, also a full and accurate account of the history of ether or lethean, for the prevention of pain, with directions for use; Designed for the use of families, and as a manual for the student and the practical dentist / by Mayo G. Smith, illustrated by numerous engrvings.
2nd edition.
Boston : John P Jewett & Co 1848.
Rare Book Room
406 Smith, Mayo G.
A treatise on the inhalation of ether for the prevention of pain.
Boston : J P Jewett & Co 1848.
Rare Book Room
407 Smith, Truman, 1791-1884.
An examination of the question of anaesthesia, arising on the memorial of Charles Thomas Wells, presented to the United States Senate, second session, Thirty-second Congress, and referred to a Select committee, of which the Hon. Isaac P. Walker is chairman. Prepared for the information of said Committee.
New York, Gray 1859.
Rare Book Room
408 Smith, Truman, 1791-1884.
An inquiry into the origin of modern anaesthesia.
Hartford : Brown & Gross 1867.
Rare Book Room
409 Smith, Truman.
An examination of the question of anaesthesia, arising on the memorial of Charles Thomas Wells, presented to the United States Senate, 2d session, 32d Congress, and referred to a Select committee, of which the Hon. Isaac P. Walker is chairman. Prepared for the information of said Committee.
New York : J A Gray printer 1858.
Rare Book Room
410 Snell, James.
Observations on the history, use, and construction of obturateurs : or, What have hither to been called in the country, artificial palates, with cases, illustrative of recent improvements / by James Snell.
London : Printed for the author 1824.
Rare Book Room
411 Snell, James.
A practical guide to operations on the teeth : to which is prefixed a historical sketch of the rise and progress of dental surgery / by James Snell ...
Philadelphia : Carey and Lea 1832.
Rare Book Room
412 Snell, James.
A practical guide to operations on the teeth ; to which is prefixed a historical sketch of the rise and progress of dental surgery.
London : printed for John Wilson 1831.
Rare Book Room
413 Snow, John, 1813-1858.
On chloroform and other anaesthetics; their action and administration. By John Snow ... Ed., with memoir of the author, by Benjamin W. Richardson ...
London, J Churchill 1858.
Rare Book Room
414 Snow, John, 1813-1858.
On the inhalation of the vapour of ether in surgical operations: containing a description of the various stages of etherization, and a statement of the result of nearly eighty operations in which ether has been employed in St. George's andUniversity college hospitals. By John Snow ...
London, J Churchill 1847.
Rare Book Room
415 Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 1729-1799.
Tracts on the natural history of animals and vegetables. Tr. from the original Italian by John Graham Dalyell.
2d ed.
Edinburgh, Creech 1803.
v. 1-2
Rare Book Room
416 Spooner, Shearjashub, 1809-1859.
An essay on the art of the manufacture of mineral, porcelain, or incorruptible teeth / by Shearjashub Spooner.
New York : Collins Kreese 1838.
Rare Book Room
417 Spooner, Shearjashub, 1809-1859.
Guide to sound teeth, or a popular treatise on the teeth, illustrating the whole judicious management of these organs from infancy to old age ; in which the author will attempt to show, that the teeth of all persons which are constitutionally wll formed, and who enjoy good health, may by proper management and care, be preserved to the end of life / by Shearjashub Spooner.
2nd ed.
New York : Collins Keese & Co 1838.
Rare Book Room
418 Spooner, Shearjashub, 1809-1859.
Guide to sound teeth, or a popular treatise on the teeth, illustrating the whole judicious management of these organs from infancy to old age ; in which the author will attempt to show, that the teeth of all persons which are constitutionally wll formed, and who enjoy good health, may by proper management and care, be preserved to the end of life / by Shearjashub Spooner.
New York, Wiley & Long 1836.
Rare Book Room
419 Spooner, Shearjashub, 1809-1859.
An inaugural dissertation on the pysiology (sic) and diseases of the teeth : submitted to the examination of ... and publicly defended, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, April 6, 1835 / by Shearjashub Spooner.
New York : J & W Sandford printers 1835.
Rare Book Room
420 Squibb, Edward Robinson, 1819-1900.
Anaesthetics / by Edward R. Squibb.
New York : sn 1871.
Rare Book Room
421 Stowell, C. H. 1850- (Charles Henry),
The microscopic structure of a human tooth : together with some unusual and irregular forms of teeth / by C.H. Stowell.
[Ann Arbor, Mich.]: CH Stowell 1887.
Rare Book Room
422 Sydnor, Thomas L.
The importance of preserving the teeth; Also, A treatise on dental ethnography ... by Thos. L. Sydnor.
Danville, Va., E R Waddill & Bro [1879]
Rare Book Room
423 Taft, J. 1820-1903. (Jonathan),
Index to the periodical literature of dental science and art, as presented in the English language. By J. Taft ...
Philadelphia, P Blakiston son & co 1886.
Rare Book Room
424 Talbot, Eugene S.
Chart of typical forms of constitutional irregularities of the teeth / by Eugene S. Talbot.
Philadelphia : Published by the Wilmington Dental Manufacturing Co 1891.
Rare Book Room
425 Talbot, Eugene S.
A study of the degeneracy of the jaws of the human race, by Eugene S. Talbot.
Philadelphia, SS White Dental Mfg Co 1892.
Rare Book Room
426 Talbot, Eugene Solomon, 1847-1924.
Irregularities of the teeth and their treatment. By Eugene S. Talbot. With 152 illustrations.
Philadelphia, P Blackiston son & co 1888.
Rare Book Room
427 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Conseils aux fumeurs sur la conservation de leurs dents, suivis de l'exposé de plusieurs expériences propres a constater l'efficacité du chlorure de chaux dans la désinfection de l'haleine, quelle que soit la cause de sa fétidité.
Paris, Martinet; Chez l'auteur quai de l'école 1827.
Rare Book Room
428 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Conseils aux fumeurs sur la conservation des dents : suivis de l'exposé de plusieurs expériences propres à constater l'efficacité du chlorure de chaux dans la désinfection de l'haleine, quelle que soit la cause de sa fétidité / par Ore Taveau.
2e éd., corr. et augm. de fragments d'hygiène de la bouche.
Paris : Hautecoeur Martinet 1829.
Rare Book Room
429 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Hygiene de la bouche, ou traité des soins qu'exigent l'entretien de la bouche et la conservation des dents : suivie de l'Exposé de plusieurs expériences propres à constater l'efficacité du chlorure de chaux dans la désinfection de l'haleine, quelle que soit la cause de sa fétidité / Par Ore Taveau.
4. éd., corrigée et augmentée.
Paris : L'Auteur quai de l'école; Béchet 1833.
Rare Book Room
430 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Hygiene de la bouche, ou traité des soins qu'exigent l'entretien de la bouche et la conservation des dents; suivie de l'Exposé de plusieurs expériences propres à constater l'efficacité du chlorure de chaux dans la désinfection de l'haleine, quelle que soit la cause de sa fétidité. Par Ore Taveau ...
3. éd., corrigée et augmentée ...
Paris, Chez l'auteur etc 1828.
Rare Book Room
431 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Hygiène de la bouche : ou traité des soins qu'exigent l'entretien de la bouche, et la conservation des dents / par O. Taveau.
Paris : Dentu; Baillière; Béchet; l'Auteur quai de l'École 1826.
Rare Book Room
432 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Igiene della bocca; ossia, Trattato intorno la nettezza della bocca e la conservazione de' denti.
1. tradusione italiana eseguita dal dottor Girolamo Emiliani, con prefazione dello stesso ed appendice relativa al metodeo piu sicuro e meno doloroso da praticarsi nella estrazione de' denti. 2. ed.
Bologna, Marsigli e Rocchi 1845.
Rare Book Room
433 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Notice sur un ciment oblitérique pour arrêter et guérir la carie des dents, offrant un mode nouveau de traitement pour conserver celles qui en sont atteintes sans avoir recours à l'extraction de ces précieux organes.
Paris : Chez l'Auteur quai de l'École 1837.
Rare Book Room
434 Taveau, Louis Augustin Onésiphore.
Nouvelle hygiène de la bouche ou Traité complet des soins qu'exigent l'entretien de la bouche et la conservation des dents.
5. éd., complétement refondue et considérablement augm.
Paris, Chez l'Auteur quai de l'École; Labe 1843.
Rare Book Room
435 Terra, Paul de.
Repetitorium der Zahnheilkunde ; zugleich ein Examinatorium über sämtliche Hilfswissenschaften für die zahnärztliche Staatsprüfung in Fragen und Antworten Geordnet.
Stuttgart : Verlag von Ferdinand Enke 1894.
Rare Book Room
436 Thomas, Frederick R.
Manual of the discovery, manufacture, and administration of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas; in its relations to dental or minor surgical operations, and particularly for the painless extraction of teeth.
Philadelphia, S S White 1870.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
437 Thomas, Frederick R.
Manual of the discovery, manufacture, and administration of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas; in its relations to dental or minor surgical operations, and particularly for the painless extraction of teeth.
Philadelphia, S S White 1870.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
438 Thompson, T. D.
Facts for the people, relating to the teeth ; showing their influence upon the health, speech and looks; with directions for their care and preservation.
Boston : BB Mussey and company 1854.
Rare Book Room
439 Thompson, W. Finley.
A course of lectures on operative dental surgery and therapeutics / by W. Finley Thompson.
London : J Bale & Sons Steam Printers 1879.
Rare Book Room
440 Thornton, William.
A popular treatise on the preservation of the teeth and gums, with the best means of prevention and cure for the tooth ache without the necessity of extraction ; also observations on the management of children's teeth and gums, at the time of the second dentition; Designed for the use of families.
London : W Roberts; Longman 1836.
Rare Book Room
441 Tillet, Auguste.
Traité complet de l'art du dentiste d'après l'état actuel des connaissances ... par F. Maury [pseud.] ...
3. éd. complétés et mise au courant de la science, au moyen d'un grand nombre de notes, par Paul Gresset ... Avec un atlas contenant 42 planches et leur explication.
Paris, J Rouvier 1841.
Rare Book Room
442 Tillet, Auguste.
Traité complet de l'art du dentiste d'après l'état actuel des connaissances, par F. Maury [pseud.]
Paris, Gabon 1828.
Rare Book Room
443 Tillet, Auguste.
Traité complet de l'art du dentiste d'après l'état actuel des connaissances, par F. Maury [pseud.]
Nouv. éd.
Paris, Rouvier et Bouvier 1833.
Rare Book Room
444 Tillet, Auguste.
Traité complet de l'art du dentiste, d'apres létat actuel des connaissances; planches.
Paris, Rouvier et Le Bouvier 1833.
Rare Book Room
445 Tillet, Auguste.
Treatise on the dental art, founded on actual experience, by F. Maury [pseud.] Tr. from the French with notes and additions, by J. B. Savier.
Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard 1843.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
446 Tillet, Auguste.
Treatise on the dental art, founded on actual experience, by F. Maury [pseud.] Tr. from the French with notes and additions, by J. B. Savier.
Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard 1843.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
447 Tolet, François, 1647-1724.
Traité de la lithotomie, ou de l'extraction de la pierre, hors de la vessie ... avec les appareils, les remedes preservatifs du calcul, & les medicamens pour les taillez ...
Derniere ed. Suivant la copie à Paris.
La Haye, Barent Beek 1686.
Rare Book Room
448 Tomes, John, 1815-1895.
A course of lectures on dental physiology and surgery, delivered at the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine.
London, Parker 1848.
Rare Book Room
449 Tomes, John, 1815-1895.
Instructions in the use and management of artificial teeth : the last of a series of lectures on dental physiology and surgery delivered at the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine / by John Tomes.
London : John W Parker 1851.
Rare Book Room
450 Turnbull, Laurence, 1821-1900.
The advantages and accidents of artificial anæsthesia. Being a manual of anæsthetic agents, and their modes of administration, considering their relative risk, tests of purity, treatment of asphyxia, spasm of the glottis, syncope, etc. By Laurence Turnbull ...
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston 1878.
Rare Book Room
451 Turnbull, Laurence, 1821-1900.
The advantages and accidents of artificial anæsthesia: a manual of anæsthetic agents, and their employment in the treatment of disease. By Laurence Turnbull ...
2d ed., rev. and enl. ...
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston 1879.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
452 Turnbull, Laurence, 1821-1900.
The advantages and accidents of artificial anæsthesia: a manual of anæsthetic agents, and their employment in the treatment of disease. By Laurence Turnbull ...
2d ed., rev. and enl. ...
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston 1879.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
453 United States. Congress House of Representatives. 1849) (30th, 2nd session :
Minority report : W.T.G. Morton, February 28, 1849.
[Washington, D.C. : GPO 1849]
Rare Book Room
454 University of Pittsburgh. School of Dentistry.
Scrap book / Library-Museum School of Dentistry.
Rare Book Room
455 Verrier, A. B.
Continuous gum work : a concise description of manipulating continuous gum by a new system / by A.B. Verrier.
London : Dental Manufacturing Co 1883.
Rare Book Room
456 Waite, George.
A critical inquiry into a few facts connected with the teeth / by George Waite.
Baltimore : The American Society of Dental Surgeons 1846.
Rare Book Room
457 Waite, George.
The gums : with late discoveries on their structure, growth, connections, diseases, and sympathies / by George Waite.
Philadelphia : Haswell Barrington and Haswell 1838.
Rare Book Room
458 Waite, George.
The gums; with late discoveries on their structure, growth, connections, diseases, and sympathies.
London, Longman Orme Rees and Brown 1835.
Rare Book Room
459 Waite, George.
The surgeon-dentist's anatomical and physiological manual.
London, Callow and Wilson 1826.
Rare Book Room
460 Waite, George.
The surgeon-dentist's anatomical and physiological manual.
Philadelphia : EL Carey and A Hart 1830.
Rare Book Room
461 Wardroper, William.
The structure, diseases, & treatment of the teeth : considered, with a view to the abolition, in all common cases, of the pernicious practice of tooth-drawing / by William Wardroper.
London : H Renshaw 1838.
Rare Book Room
462 Warner, Dewitt C.
The practical family dentist ... With a variety of useful receipts for remedial compounds, designed for diseases of the teeth and gums. By Dewitt C. Warner ...
New-York, Fowlers and Wells 1853.
Rare Book Room
463 Warren, John Collins, 1778-1856.
Etherization ; with surgical remarks.
Boston : William D Ticknor & company 1848.
Rare Book Room
464 Watson, Thomas.
The teeth : their structure, growth, diseases, and remedies : intended for the attentive perusal of young mothers, parents, and adults, generally / by Thomas Watson.
London : Pub by the author 1845.
Rare Book Room
465 Watt, George, 1820-1893.
An essay on dental surgery, for popular reading.
Cincinnati : published by Mississippi Valley Association of Dental Surgeons 1858.
Rare Book Room
466 Watt, George, 1820-1893.
Register papers: a collection of chemical essays in reference to dental surgery.
Philadelphia, White 1868 [c1867]
Rare Book Room
467 Webb, Marshall H.
Notes on operative dentistry.
Philadelphia, White Dental Manufacturing Co 1883.
Rare Book Room
468 Weisse, Faneuil D. 1842-1915. (Faneuil Dunkin),
Nitrous oxide gas / by Faneuil D. Weisse.
New York : Sanitarian Publication Office 1874.
Rare Book Room
469 Wells, Horace, 1815-1848.
An essay on teeth : comprising a brief description of their formation, diseases, and proper treatment / by Horace Wells.
Hartford [Conn.] : Printed for the author by Case Tiffany 1838.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
470 Wells, Horace, 1815-1848.
An essay on teeth : comprising a brief description of their formation, diseases, and proper treatment / by Horace Wells.
Hartford [Conn.] : Printed for the author by Case Tiffany 1838.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
471 Wells, Horace, 1815-1848.
A history of the discovery of the application of nitrous oxide gas, ether, and other vapors, to surgical operations.
Hartford, Wells 1847.
Rare Book Room
472 White, James William, 1826-1891.
The mouth and the teeth / by J. W. White.
Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston 1879.
Rare Book Room
473 White, James William, 1826-1891.
Taking impressions of the mouth / by James W. White ; to which is appended a chapter on "porcelain teeth" from the new ed. of Harris's Principles and practice of dentistry.
Philadelphia : Samuel S White 1871.
Rare Book Room
474 Wilkie, David Elliot.
On a new application of lever power in the extraction of teeth / by the Hop. David E. Wilkie.
[Melbourne? : sn 1860]
Rare Book Room
475 Willard, De Forest, 1846-1910.
Artificial anæsthesia and anaesthetics / by De Forest Willard and Lewis H. Adler, jr.
Detroit, Mich. : George S Davis 1891.
Rare Book Room
476 Winckworth, John.
A popular treatise on the teeth and gums, and diseases attendant on them : designed for the use of families / by John Winckworth.
London : Published by G & T Underwood 1831.
Rare Book Room
477 Wiseman, Richard, 1622?-1676.
Severall chirurgicall treatises / By Richard Wiseman.
London : E Flesher and J Macock for R Royston and B Took 1676.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
478 Wiseman, Richard, 1622?-1676.
Severall chirurgicall treatises / By Richard Wiseman.
London : E Flesher and J Macock for R Royston and B Took 1676.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
479 Woman's Dental Association.
Papers and ... annual report of the Woman's Dental Association ...
[Philadelphia?, 1895?-]
4th-5th (1895-1896/7)
Rare Book Room
480 Wooffendale, Robert, 1742-1828.
Practical observations on the human teeth.
London : printed for J Johnson and Messirs Richardson and Urquhart 1783.
Rare Book Room
481 Woolworth, Isaac.
Our children's teeth, or, The dentist to mothers; a manual of dentistry for the household ... By Dr. Isaac Woolworth, dentist.
New Haven, Punderson Crisand & co 1871.
copy 1
Rare Book Room
482 Woolworth, Isaac.
Our children's teeth, or, The dentist to mothers; a manual of dentistry for the household ... By Dr. Isaac Woolworth, dentist.
New Haven, Punderson Crisand & co 1871.
copy 2
Rare Book Room
483 Ziegler, George Jacob, 1821-
Researches on the medical properties and applications of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas. By Geo. J. Ziegler ...
Rev. and republished from the Med. and Surg. Reporter.
Philadelphia, JB Lippincott & co 1865.
Rare Book Room